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Help with my sickly Clematis


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  • Help with my sickly Clematis

    I bought 2 clematis avalanche a few months ago, planted up in large containers against a wall and began training them over a wooden trellis.

    They were growing away happily until a couple of weeks ago (after extended rainfall and very chilly days) when I noticed that the containers were waterlogged (I'd forgotten to put drainage holes in them). After putting holes in them they drained off and I added a little fresh MCP. Today I noticed one of them is looking droopy with many of the newer shoots and bottom foliage limp, floppy and lacking in colour.

    I'm guessing that this may be a result of the poor plant having sat in cold water for days - is there anything I can do to perk it up, I'd hate to lose it through my stupidity.

  • #2
    Tip it out of the pot, to make sure the root-ball is not still waterlogged. Then re-plant in the ground, and cover the top of the root-ball with large stones. Feet in the shade, head in the sun, is the general rule for Clematis. In my experience they never thrive in a container, but I fully expect someone else will soon come in and prove me wrong!
    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


    • #3
      Glutton is absolutely correct. I feel sorry for most plants I see in containers, but a clematis needs a cool root run. There is one outside our local library in a large plastic container and it is slowly dying, poor thing.


      • #4
        ... you also might have vine weevil larvae in the containers, chewing through the roots
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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