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Emergency HELP


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  • #16
    Any news on the chicken?

    I was thinking of getting chickens but watching this thread has given me doubts. I'd like to think I could detach myself and not treat them as pets. My reaction to your predicament has proved I wouldn't be able to do this.

    I wouldn't be put off Dave, after all if you read all the things that could go wrong in the garden you only have slabs instead of plants. I think Alan will tell you, this isn't an everyday occurance.

    Never be afraid to try something new.
    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


    • #17
      As NTG says dont be put off they bring so much joy and fun for all the family especialy my to young children. If you had the time you could watch them all day. The reason why we got them is because they are more fun and productive that rabits etc and the kids love going in and feeding them and getting the eggs. Dont be put off the situation with Buttercup is a learning one and we will be wiser for the experiance.


      Alan & Buttercup


      • #18
        Glad to hear shes getting better


        • #19
          How is she getting on now? Excellent information on It's a very helpful friendly forum.


          • #20
            Oops, Sorry that should be


            • #21
              Sad news.

              Hi everyone just an update for you.

              After trying several hot baths , olive oil and everything else for the past week or so. I took the dissision to let Buttercup go to chicken heaven.

              She has been kept in the house since i noticed she was ill next to the radiator in the bathroom. On Saturday whilst it was hot and sunny I let her go outside on the grass, she could hardly stand and she was getting thin due to not eating a lot. it was then when I made my decision . I used the knock on the head technique as I felt it would be less distressing for her as well as myself. It worked instantly which was a relief.
              She now rests under a newly planted cherry tree in the garden.
              :'( :'( :'(.

              Thank you for your comments.

              RIP Buttercup.


              • #22
                I'm sorry she had to go alan but it did sound the kindest thing for her. Chickens are very good at disguising their illnesses for fear of other's 'going for them'. I have lost quite a few chickens in the past and it is never easy and I just wanted to say I know how it feels


                • #23
                  Very sorry

                  Sorry to hear that all your efforts were in vain. Glad the final end came quickly.

                  Hope the cherry tree grows well and gives you a plentiful supply for years to come.

                  We lost one of our cats last year and planted him under a Rhibes (excuse spelling - that may be wrong) and I usually say "hi Parsley" when I walk past and stroke the leaves/stems. His sister, Sage, and the other cat, Thyme (would have been Rosemary if he'd been a girl), still going strong.

                  All this from an ex-rugby playing oil rigger!!!

                  Do what you enjoy, or learn to enjoy what you do - life is too short.


                  • #24
                    Our cats were called Fish & Chips and they reside onder too bushes in the garden now.

                    Another ex rugby player
                    Never be afraid to try something new.
                    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                    • #25
                      we are thinking about chickens, but it would have to be the other half wot did the deed if it came to it. it is the kindest thing to do though sometimes, so you did the right thing. and its also useful to know you can get the information you need.
                      as a non-ex-rugby-player, our departed moggies always get the full rites and something planted in their honour. on that point though, our old house in London was resold recently, so I snooped on the details on the net. to my horror, the place where Blackie (original name, huh) had been planted underneath a very nice clematis had been dug up and turned into a conservatory!!!! - bet the builders got a bit of a shock.


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