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Water Butt Water!!


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  • #16
    We have a cisterna in Spain too. The water is used for showers,washing machine and washing up. I buy bottled for drinking. I haven't got a green genie but add Growing Success Natures Disinfectant to the water there although my Spanish neighbour tells me I don't need to as he's been using the water for 60 years with no ill effect. It does stay very cool underground though. I think our water butts here probably do get a little stagnent. I always use water from the tap for the girls but if it rains they prefer a nice muddy puddle. I've noticed cats and dogs do too, so perhaps they know something we don't.


    • #17
      Cats and dogs don't like the chlorine (and other chemicals) in the water. Our cats do the same. Water has to stand a while before they'll drink it. Chickens don't have such a highly developed sense of smell but I guess fresh rainwater (to an animal) is better than anything!


      • #18
        i am quite happy to use rain water to supply water to the chickens, but my grandfather always said that just because water was clear didnt mean it was good for you as there might be hidden things in it. after all, vodka is clear but too much is a poison!!

        all i am concerned about is being certain that the water is bacteria and parasite free before i give it to the girls. i suppose if i wouldnt drink it, i shouldnt give it to them.

        i will carry on with the tedious bucket run until i can work out another plan!! thanks for all your advice
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        • #19
          I take water carriers full to the allotment for the chooks for all these reasons. We actually have "dip-tanks" run from the mains on the site but as there are rats there and there is no way of emptying the tanks out I've always done this. Very heavy but I'd rather make that effort than risk illness. I also collect rainwater but only use that for the plants.


          • #20
            I would never give stagnant water, and 99% of the time mine get tap water anyway. But puddles after a fresh rainfall surely will contain no more bacteria than what a hen would pick up from pecking over the ground anyway. Worm the birds regularly and there really shouldn't be a problem.


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