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  • #16
    welcome Beltane, I too have recently joined the ranks of madness and digging. Now my back hurts and when I close my eyes all I see is couch-grass and bind-weed root. Having said this I've got my first earlies in today and sowed carrots and parsnips, It's a great feeling to get stuff in the soil. Good luck with your plot and don't break your back.


    • #17
      My arms are so raked up that it looks as though I've already made several attempts at ending it all! We've hacked down the entire plot and I've dug an area of about 22 feet square. I didn't realise that there could be so many taproots in such a small area!


      • #18
        hi and welcome started this year, got a small patch dug over and put some potatoe's in on sat. if your going to cover it look at your local carpet shop's and see if they'l let you have off cut's etc. good luck and hope all goes well


        • #19
          Thanks for all the fantastic advice everybody! We've finally cut back all of the brambles etc and are now slowly removing the taproots by hand. We are going to be leaving a natural/wild patch but I would like to get some native wild seed in bulk to attract insects and birds etc plus one of the other allotment holders keeps bees so I feel that it will all tie in. (A lovely lady who has offered us honey in return for jars). Anyway, what I wondered is if there is anywhere where I could buy seed in bulk for this project. Any ideas would be greatly received.


          • #20
            Hi Beltane!

            Sounds like we'll be doing the same as you on our new plot - absolutely full of weeds with tap roots. Make sure you keep a photo record of your progress.

            Happy digging.
            I've had my weetabix...


            • #21
              Hi Eternal! The photos we took 3 weeks ago already show that we've done a fair bit. Its wonderful fun isn't it?!
              Last edited by Beltane; 26-03-2007, 01:14 PM. Reason: Punctuation mistake


              • #22
                Google Plantlife Beltane - you should get some info on wildflower seeds from there.
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


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