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I need a new lawn!


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  • I need a new lawn!

    At the moment mine is half dirt and half grass some of it knee high! We have a dog and 3 children, the dog had graced the garden with a few holes as well and we also have a trampoline the children like to use.

    So is turf really expensive? Could I reseed the lawn in batches and put fencing around it? Or should I just strim flat what we have and then leave the growing till autumn?

    Any ideas gratefully received I think the patch of lawn is about 10' x 12' roughly, we have more garden but it's herb bed, greenhouse, patio, pond and the bits we're clearing now will be veg bed, chicken place and some flowers...oh and another pond! I would just love to be able to take the baby out, put a blanket down and let her play outside but at the moment I just don't dare!


    Trying to tame the mad thing called a garden and getting there I think!

    My Garden Mayhem...inspirational blog for me I hope! - updated 16/04/09

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