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Advice please on fruit trees


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  • Advice please on fruit trees

    Hello all,

    I am interested in planting some fruit trees - apple, pear, plum, cherry on my allotment. Any advice re - suppliers/costs/planting etc would be greatly appreciated as I am not very experienced in this area.


  • #2
    try to get self fertile varieties otherwise you will need 2 of each fruit type from the same pollination group to get any fruit set. i advice getting from a good garden centre go by reputation and ask them for a tree that is minimum 3 years old but ask if they have got any 5 year old trees, you wont have to wait as long for fruit and you can see the health of the tree better, i would also go for a bush root stock this makes a bit smaller tree and means maintaince is easier. i have 7 trees 6 have done really well one i think may not be too happy with its location, but they look like i will get plenty of fruit from the 6. the trees will still require support when planted until the roots spread.


    • #3
      I've planted 3 apples and 2 pear trees so far on my plot. 2 of the apples and the pears are pruned as cordons, as I don't want more than a single tree as a proper tree (but want variety) as they would take up too much space and cause too much shade. Was looking up there over the weekend and have decided to get another 4 apples to run along with the other cordons and am also considering a plum or cherry as a fan on the edge of the plot also. So far the trees have all been Lidl specials (new plot and trying to save money) but I may well invest in some particular varieties next time so that I can get the varieties I actually want. Have only ever bought a couple of trees before for the garden at home and have bought them from Ken Muir who are very good but rather expensive.

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #4
        Thanks for the advice guys. Alison, I was speaking to a neighbour and he mentioned Ken Muir aso, might look into it


        • #5
          Last year I planted a dwarf cherry (cherry Maynard - Blackmoor nursery) on the allotment. It had about five flowers which I picked off (that was hard to do ). This year it looks like dandelion clock, a short trunk and fluff ball of blossom - I do hope this is a good sign! It is still only about 4 1/2 ft (shouldn't get taller than 6ft) so suits my allotment layout as I don't have a specific fruit area (grown at home).

          I've been trying a self fertile Kiwi for a couple of years but it's not faring well.

          Whatever you decide to grow, net anything small, red and shiney otherwise the birds will have them all!


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