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Pot size for strawberries?


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  • Pot size for strawberries?

    Sorry if this has been asked before...
    I was thinking about growing a few strawberry plants in individual pots this year. Last year I grew them in a trough and didn't look after them very well - pretty soon they had taken over the garden! Runners everywhere!
    I gave most of last years away and decided to start over from scratch this year. I currently have 12 shop-bought strawberry plants (6 Elsanta from B&Q, and 6 unknown variety from Tesco) waiting to be planted, and I was thinking I'd like to pop them into an individual pot each - might make it easier to keep on top of them this year!
    So, what size pot per strawberry plant? I have a bundle of 15cm pots - would those do?
    Thanks everyone!

  • #2
    I have my strawbs in individual pots, 6 or 7 inches each. I like growing this way as its very flexible, I can grow some under glass for an earlier crop and I can move the plants easily round the garden as needed. The little bit of height they get from the pot saves them from some of the slugs etc, and mulching is a cinch, just lift the pot onto the mulched area or up away from pests on to a table if desired. I do feed and water more than if they were in the ground, and I don't think the strawbs taste quite as good grown in 100% compost as compared to ground grown strawbs, so I have taken to mixing soil in with the compost to get some extra trace elements in there. This taste difference may be more perceived than real, but it pleases me to grow this way so I do. Labelling each pot is a chore but it is good to keep track of ages of crowns and varieties.

    There are some nifty systems out there for growing strawbs, and the vertical ones seem good. Next year I am going to place posts in the ground and nail bottomless 6 pint milk cartons upside down to act as planting pockets as a DIY vertical strawberry planting project.


    • #3
      Ive got mine in morrisons flower buckets, i put 4 round the sides about 3 inch down and one in the middle at the top they seem to be growing fine, ive put them up on an upside down morrisons flower bucket, taped together with copper tape to stop the slugs climbing up to the plants
      Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


      • #4
        Last month I moved A dozen plants onto the greenhouse shelving I placed 4 plants to a 10 inch pot (250 mm in new money) they were 2 year old plants and they have now started to flower so i will start to feed them with a liquid feed (like a tomato feed) every week until the fruits set, then just keep them moist and reap the rewards. What I'm trying to say is that any pot will do but you must look after them, if you let your plants dry out you can kiss the idea of a bumper crop goodbye. if you have time to care for your plants you can cram them in but, if it's convenience you want give them room to breathe. and don't forget to keep you're runners and you'll never have to buy a strawberry again!
        The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.


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