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What I Did Today Archive 2009


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  • Rained all morning managed to get in the garden about 3pm. Planted my garlic which I got from ebay. It was 2 months old. Also was given some wild garlic so I planted that as well.

    A novice but keen to learn

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    • Since yesterday at 3 pm, I have planted 10 pointed cabbages, 10 calabreses, 10 cauliflowers, 50 sturon onions, 5 Jerusalem artichokes, 30 allium mollies, and 16 picasso potato seeds. And, I double dug for most of them.


      • I planted out dozen Magnum Bonum and a dozen Ezetha's Krombek Blauwschok peas, each group with its own wigwam. Then I direct-sowed a row of pea Canoe which grows to about two and a half feet.
        Did some Chooky playing. They are itching to get out. Chicken Out day tomorrow!
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • Today I sowed crimson flowered broad beans. Put log roll edging along my front path to stop chipped bark spilling over but found I didn't have enough so back to garden centre and bought 3 more rolls. Decided to re-pot fennel in bigger pot as it had rooted through my gravel and weed membrane and the pot it was in had frost damage. Picked up the pot and the edge broke off causing it to drop and spill soil and broken pot all over other plants and gravel grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! After trying to remove soil from gravel as best I could, I eventually potted fennel up into its new pot! Spent a while clearing up broken bits of terracotta. Planted 4 new chamomile treneague plants in front garden to fill a few gaps.
          AKA Angie


          • Cut grass, tidied up passion flower that has gone rampant. Sown cornflowers and more peas (K. Wonder,Hurst green shaft, sugar snap, french marigolds bolero and orange flame.
            Visited a friend and took a selection of plants (tomatoes, peppers, courgette, pumpkin) to cheer her up as she has got behind with her lottie.

            Updated 23rd February 2009


            • A very busy day again!! After going to docs for an mot got home and painted the shed i moved yesterday a luverly shade of seaside blue, started on the bench but looked like rain so stopped. Planted up lots of french + runner beans, courgettes, and outdoor cucumbers, transplanted tomitillos and cape gooseberries into bigger pots.
              Cleared out some nasty horrid weed out of my pond and found the frogs are using it to raise their babies first time, yipee, lots of luverly slug eating critters this year.
              Weather much better than forecast, rained last night but hoping for another rain free day so can get up the lottie and plant up the two new raised beds we weeded with lettuces and corn salad.
              When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


              • Planted module sown Broad beans. Roots grew that fast however it was hardly worthwhile planting them in modules first.
                Peas sown directly a couple of weeks ago were sprouting so I built a net cage.
                Potted up various Toms & Cucumbers, now all awaiting final position.
                Planted.. Iris,Lupin,Delphinium,Campanula,Verbascum,Day lillies.
                Never mind the TWADDLE here's the SIX PETALS.

       Annual seedlings.


                • Went a bit snap happy at the allotment with my new camera today. Took 87 piccies!
                  Knocked in two stout poles and tied reinforcing wire to it to give a frame for peas.
                  Sowed a packet of mange tout peas directly into the soil.

                  Potted on tomatoes, seed sown shallots, tomatillo's, sunflowers. Sowed a tray of 40 Incredible F1 sweetcorn (two packets)
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • Been in garden most of the day and sorted all my plant pots out and put them in the greenhouse had to fetch some more compost 3 bags of john innes for a tenner.
                    potted on loads of plants:

                    6 x sweetcorn
                    15 x runner beans
                    15 x peas
                    10 x cauliflower
                    10 x brussel sprouts
                    10 x broccoli
                    10 x cabbage
                    5 x marrows
                    5 x cucumbers
                    3 x gherkins

                    got more to pot on tomorrow.

                    OH (Dazzlar3) has given the pergola a second coat of wood paint today and also painted the gate and we have finally got rid of all the rubbish from the back garden.
                    Looks totally different now and i'm so proud of him for what he's achieve in a short space of time.


                    • Today I've sown some watercress seeds in a container lined with plastic. Also sowed 16 sweetcorn swift in peat pots. Went to the garden centre again and re-stocked fish pond after the Heron had helped himself. Am hoping I have now made the pond heron proof as best I can. Sowed some more Feltham First Peas. Finished putting in log roll along my path and then fixed more wire in place for my clematis.
                      AKA Angie


                      • Planted my spuds, three short rows - 5 spuds each of Rooster & Sante and 6 of Vivaldi (Have 6 pots of Vivaldi in the GH too). Noticed that the pigeons have stripped my Kelvedon Wonder Pea babies of their leaves, little bleeders! Will have to sow some more incase they don't make it. In the GH i potted on 9 Yellow Chard and 5 Chillies, i still have quite a bit of sowing & pricking out to do but that was it for today.
                        keen but (slightly less) clueless


                        • Harvested 10kg of PSB, lifted the last of the Jerusalem Artichokes (some for this weeks boxes, the rest for seed tubers), delivered Chard, Spinach, Oriental Salad Leaves, Salad Rocket and Mizuna Leaves to the shop I supply - all in lettuce bags and all containing 150g.
                          Ploughed my field bar the areas that are home to the kale, swedes, PSB and leeks.

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • Bought two seedling plants, a globe artichoke and a yellow pepper. They're in the greenhouse until danger of frost is past.

                            My photos at Webshots


                            Trowbridge, Wiltshire


                            • Potted on all my tomato plants into 5 inch pots. They are doing incredibly well considering they are in my unheated greenhouse for the past three weeks.
                              Planted up my pinto beans which I germinated in the airing cupboard.
                              Potted on my 4 cucs and 7 chili peppers and lots of flowers.
                              Fed my strawberry plants as they are now in blossom.

                              All in all had a lovely morning in my greenhouse.
                              Had a lovely afternoon playing with my 4 grandkids.
                              Can life get any better?

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • OMG Bramble, I never had you down for being old enough for grandchildren?! High Five Lady!....
                                But with Auntie Wellie's Twinkle Toes at NURSERY all day today, (she's One?) I managed to get some serious GARDENING done today for my client (rather than babysitting!) and that involved digging over the intended beds for my clients' Cutting Garden, and planting half of the Gladioli Bulbs, the Anemones, and then NOT planting the other half of the Gladdys (so that they flower later, and therefore you can cut them later? I know, I know.... dead 'fusing?)
                                And if that wasn't 'fusing enough, I took the Dahlias and the Nerines home to plant up separately in pots to keep in my greenhouse. My client doesn't have a greenhouse at all, and if I didn't do this for her, she wouldn't HAVE lovely Dahlias or Nerines, or Salad, or Tomatoes, or stuff... So she's incredibly lucky to have me!! X


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