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The 'What I Did Today' Archive - 2007


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  • Originally posted by scared55 View Post
    Made a balustrade around the terrace.

    And very good it is too

    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


    • Opened my pack of autumn onion sets - will plant some over the weekend. And looked in shock at the mess in the back garden after builders were on site for a day......


      • OH & I went to County Hospital for Baby Rat's 20 week scan. Everything hunky dory and A1 OK. Due date confirmed as Feb 3rd, so watch this space - Gonna be another daughter BTW.
        Started selective culling of my polytunnel cukes and toms. Made up & delivered 13 veg boxes, came home, put new bed together for me and OH, took puppy for a walk along beach, and here I am on the Vine. Must remember to post my photos for the virtual veg show - cucumbers, courgettes, onions (as grown - actually should be as still growing) and possibly lettuce in the any other veg category.

        British by birth
        Scottish by the Grace of God


        • Originally posted by Flummery View Post
          picked up 2 carrier bags full of walnuts ... I am now sporting absolutely disgusting BLACK mitts. I suspect they will be like that for weeks. It's a strong black dye and the skin will have to grow out, I think.
          Yup! The juice from walnut husks was used extensively throughout history as a dye, it is colorfast, lightfast and virtually no solvent removes it from skin. Sorry about that
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • Picked the last marrow and a squash, straightened up the borlottis after the wind, cut some sunflowers for the house and gave a bunch to my neighbour too, spent a couple of hours cutting back a hedge, twisted my ankle in the process, looked at the raised bed and noticed that the kohlrabi are starting to swell, ate two unexpected strawberries, finished the chicken run (they're arriving next Sunday! chookchookchook...).
            You are a child of the universe,
            no less than the trees and the stars;
            you have a right to be here.

            Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

            blog: and my (basic!) page:


            • Saturday.

              Planted lots of tulips and daffs, Lots of tulips and daffs.

              (Note to self...STOP buying bulbs.!!!!!)
              Blogging at.....


              • A flying visit to the Hill to pick any dry-looking barlotti bean pods, some sweetcorn cobs and carrots then home to shell the beans (they are SO pretty!).

                Had cob of sweetcorn for tea followed by chicken cooked with carrots, runner beans and cabbage along with potatoes, onion and garlic all from the plot. Hurrah!


                • Made the most of the late "Summer" weather and cut all the hedges right back and a general tidy up of the garden and veg area. The ground is now staying soft even after a few good days so it's a good idea to get these jobs done before winter sets in.
                  I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


                  • Bought an incinerator yesterday (galvanised dustbin with feet and a lid). I compost most of my waste, but not things like dock roots, brambles etc. Took it over to the lottie today, and finally managed to get it going. Burned quite a lot of the scrap wood that was left behind when I took over the lottie, plus dry(ish) perennial weed roots and dried out bramble stems. Picked the last (?) of the runner beans - the plants are still producing a few flowers. Dug up lots of weeds, added more green stuff to the Dalek, Dug another bag of Desiree potatoes (pound shop - 10 tubers and they've been absolutely superb. My one and only butternut squash is now around six inches long, still green, but I'll leave it and see what happens. A few late raspberries, so I picked them and ate them. Pulled up the sweetcorn plants, put the greenish stuff in the Dalek and left the hard stems to dry out for burning. Fought a little black cat for my sausage roll which I'd left in my jacket pocket - left jacket on back of chair whilst working - cat had been chasing cabbage white butterflies and when I looked again I noticed that it was halfway into my jacket pocket. Exit one cute cat pretty sharpish (didn't like me shouting at it)


                    • Spent a wonderful day with good friends and family at the Malvern Show.
                      Thank you, peeps!


                      • I too went to Malvern, spent too much.

                        Bought More bulbs.
                        Attached Files
                        Blogging at.....


                        • Tee hee! Snap!
                          Attached Files


                          • Made some fab Damson Jam today from fruit gathered from trees that line the path to our allotment. I do love freebies!!


                            • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                              Tee hee! Snap!
                              Shh - I thought I heard a snapdragon!



                              • Picked: one cabbage, two swede, the last serving of peas and a few bonus mystery beans.

                                Cleared: some weeds from the swedes, three rotting cabbages, a couple of slug-damaged swedes (smelly yuk!), the peas, the mystery beans, one dead squash plant (fine one day, brown the next, something fungal I think), one knackered courgette plant, some nasturtiums. I now have lots of nasturtium seeds lying around the lottie.
                                You are a child of the universe,
                                no less than the trees and the stars;
                                you have a right to be here.

                                Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

                                blog: and my (basic!) page:


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