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  • #31
    Morning everyone, don't know what it's like out, the curtains are still drawn. I get the feeling it's cold though.
    I got up thinking it was Monday .......
    The newly engaged couple are coming for lunch today, so a quick trip out to get some bacon and fresh rolls when the shops open.
    Have a great day folks whatever you're doing
    Oh, and Nicos, let us see what you're making please, we love pics
    Nannys make memories


    • #32
      Morning all. hammered it down in the night but the sun's out now. Only 2.6C at the mo and the wind's supposed to pick up later so it'll be a cold one. Popping up the lotty later to sign up a new tenant, hope it's nice enough for them to get on their new plot.
      Location ... Nottingham


      • #33
        Morning All

        Rain has passed and the sun is trying....albeit in vain at the moment.

        Not sure what I will get up to today but no doubt it will be gardening related. Hope you manage to get some R and R Cads

        Have a super Sunday all
        Last edited by Greenleaves; 12-11-2017, 08:01 AM.


        • #34
          Morning no rain or wind here its lovely and sunny out pity its so cold as well though. Have a good Sunday
          Location....East Midlands.


          • #35

            No rain here but it is windy and sunny and also cold. Off to the plot later this morning once I have had my 1st cup of coffee to wake me up.

            Have a good Sunday


            • #36
              Morning all,sun shine here,must get the strawberry plants in today,I know that feeling Cad,it's like screaming inside a bubble,going round in circles,i used to feel guilty for feeling trapped inside,but needs must,carry on chatting to us on here,it does help,we are lucky enough to have a bit of a comfort zone in our lottie shed,and now he more often than not,has no choice,you need peeps to come and let you have a little time out to yourself,i know,easier said than done,it feels like you have to begg,and it goes against the grain eh,hence my moto,look afteruselve,and Bgood2yourself,cerial calling then garden,have a good day you lot
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • #37
                Bright and cold, but quite windy, pity it's coming from the wrong direction, need a good easterly blow.


                • #38
                  Well...that was an interesting half hour!
                  Next door's managed to set fire to his hedge!

                  Cinders he threw out yesterday evening finally took hold this morning!
                  Clearly been smouldering overnight....2hosepipes and buckets and buckets of water, and half an hour later, it was finally extinguished!
                  Darn....I should have called the Pompiers!(French firemen)... drool......
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #39
                    a bit slow there Nicos,you could have also booked them for the gardeners rest hehehehe
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
                      a bit slow there Nicos,you could have also booked them for the gardeners rest hehehehe
                      And my hubby wanders why I am giggling
                      Bless you LD and Nicos
                      Nannys make memories


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
                        And my hubby wanders why I am giggling
                        Bless you LD and Nicos
                        Me too. I’ve been to our Remembrance Parade. Two of the wreaths were put by the Fire service wearing old fashioned helmets. Don’t actually know why we had 2 from the fire service but hey ho.

                        I followed it up by appearing for tea and cake in a local hall. I usually get this over quickly and then go in the pub opposite which doesn’t open it’s doors on a Sunday until 12, but on Remembrance Sunday you can go in the back door as soon as the service is over, which is where you’ll find the British Legion and usually me as well.
                        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                        • #42
                          Afternoon, its only 4.30 and its almost dark it takes some getting used to.

                          Now you've mentioned the Pompiers Nicos have they been around selling their next years calendar yet
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • #43
                            Evening All

                            Bitterly cold in the wind this afternoon which is usually as it was a westerly. Planted a few more onions and dug and new bed on the second plot.

                            The soil has been covered so very dry so gave it a good watering and will let nature do the rest.

                            I hope you have all had productive days


                            • #44
                              Happy Sunny Sunday evening
                              I've had a good session in the garden, working wherever the sun happened to be. The trees cast lots of shadows at this time of year so I have to keep moving or get cold.
                              There's a cunning new plan rolling around my head for which I need about 30 picture frames, or similar made from branches. Not glazed of course Best not to ask and definitely don't let it keep you awake tonight
                              Hope you've all have a good day. Frost forecast for most of us tonight, I think, so close your GH and fleece anything you rary, not your money


                              • #45
                                Good evening, cold but dry with sunshine, was at the remembrance service this morning, which made me think of standing at the war memorial when I was younger, it was usually in a cold frosty day, though it was cold this morning it doesn't seem to be as hard a frost now a days, after church we went out for lunch to a GC and when looking around I found a pallet with some new unused air pots on it and when I enquired how much they cost I was told I could have them for free, now that's a price I like, as it's one I can afford there was 15 on the pallet so I took 5 but told the assistant that if they were still there next week I will take the lot. Going to head out to the greenhouse shortly, so might be back on later
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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