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  • Games

    I have been doing card and mahjong games on the 'puter to keep the old grey matter churning since retiring. Just the free Microsoft ones that come with Windows software, today I have completed the daily challenges for the entire month in both. First time I've managed this, I've done one or the other, but not both, feeling quite smug with myself(I think it's a bit like crosswords, once you get into the setters/programmers head, you get a feel for the games lol).
    Anyone else do brain exercises'?

  • #2
    Suduko from time to time...I find it de-stressing!

    Never could stand crosswords for some reason.
    Learning a foreign language is supposed to be a 'brain exercise' so I suppose I'm doing that too on a daily basis.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      Suduko completely baffles me, I don't think I've ever managed to finish one

      I love playing scrabble via the free app Words by Post on my phone. It gets a bit addictive though, and I've learnt hundreds of short permutations (eg Ka, Za, Xi, Qat etc.). The downside of playing random people is I suspect quite a few are just using anagram sites, which makes it a bit one-sided.


      • #4
        Scrabble with my daughter and a couple of friends. Times concise crossword with my first cuppa tea, I might try the cryptic one later if I'm not busy. I also do an American crossword every morning but I sometimes cheat on that as I'm not au fait with American sports or their television channels and presenters, their spelling is sometimes a challenge.

        Also, Candy Crush and BubbleWitch.

        I would like to play adventure games but they aren't compatible with a laptop or iPad.
        Sudoku has never interested me.
        Last edited by JanieB; 31-07-2017, 01:46 PM.
        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


        • #5
          I can't complete suduko it's impossible for me,I'm alright with scrabble & any word game. Solitaires quite good & other card game free apps.
          Location : Essex


          • #6
            I play words two or three times a day with a pal
            Also still do the odd crossword
            Nannys make memories


            • #7
              I used to play chess against the computer, but that game vanished when the latest windows came out.


              • #8
                Another Suduko fan here, also I play card games Solitaire.s my favourite.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by burnie View Post
                  I used to play chess against the computer, but that game vanished when the latest windows came out.
                  Try this,burnie
                  Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


                  • #10
                    I play pyramid solitaire saga, a good card game, scrabble, boggle, spider solitaire, tetrus, majhong and any other brain game that apoeals.
                    I read and do the puzzles in the newspapers but cant get my head around soduku.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • #11
                      I make games for a living, so I like to get away from computer screens when I'm not at work!

                      I like the odd game of Scrabble with my OH, and we used to play Ruzzle on our phones but haven't done that for ages as she always beat me. We occasionally do a crossword together, and try (and usually fail) to answer a question or two on University Challenge.


                      • #12
                        Sudoku for me too plus I like crosswords although the cryptic ones I just can't do. I also play solitaire on the iPad sometimes.


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