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What if Scotland Votes Yes?


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  • #16
    I dont think it is as close as the polls suggest but whatever the outcome life will go on. We should also remember that Scotland will not become a seperate country for at least 18 months.

    My biggest fear for my family living in Scotland is that this is more about Salmond than independence. My Sister and her family are all in the No camp.

    That said....Good Luck Scotland, whatever the outcome


    • #17
      I think whatever the outcome, the ramifications of the debates both for & against will run for many years to come.
      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


      • #18
        Just had an upsetting phone call from my daughter. Hassled at work, in restaurants, supermarkets and even the bus stop by being told she should go home! She is British for gawds sake, living and working in the southern part of the country...what the hecks going on?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
          ...what the hecks going on?
          The Scottish Independence debate seems to have added momentum to long-existing anti-immigrant sentiments that have been increasing for some years in England. Your poor daughter is on the receiving end of action from irrational, ignorant, bigoted people who seem to have gained courage from what they perceive as support for their bigotry from some mainsteam politicians.

          The pseudo-logic seems to be, "Scots want to be independent ==> Scottish people working in England are effectively immigrants who are over here taking our jobs and should go back to their own country".

          Those of us who don't see it like this can only speak up and hope our views prevail.
          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


          • #20
            To be fair some Scots are not that welcoming to English people who go to live/work in Scotland.


            • #21
              Oh dear, as a half Scot with no voice in the debate, I am saddened by the 'we want to be separate from you' tones - so which bit of me is going to be separate from the rest? I am more of a believer in unionism than separatism because the world is always shrinking in the rise of global corporations.
              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


              • #22
                The last time I checked the betting was in favour of a no vote, bookies aren't always right by any means but it's made me think it'll be a no.
                Remember it's just a bad day, not a bad life 😁


                • #23
                  I'm feeling very upset also, I was brought up in Scotland from age 3-12, before moving back down South, my sister remained, married a Scot, ( well 2 Scots, separately), her children now grown up, but definitely Scottish, are definitely no's, but very upset, there is so much upset and resentment happening in families, it's just awful.


                  • #24
                    I do hope the decision I'd a decisive one, tho, and things can then settled, cos if it's close, they'll be wanting it to take place again.


                    • #25
                      England needs the Scots - otherwise who would we vote for in general elections? Half the MPs in westminster seem to be Scots lol.

                      Seriously though, I have confidence in the common sense and intelligence of many Scots and am sure the result will be no.

                      As a Yorkshireman I feel an affinity to their carefulness in pecuniary issues and as a generally very well educated race - more so than England, the need to dot all the i's and cross all the t's before diving into a situation should ensure they stay with us - we need you Scotland
                      What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
                      Pumpkin pi.


                      • #26
                        I admire the Scots if they do vote yes .
                        Though they are going into unchartered water on how things will actually work .

                        iWork the Welsh and the Northern Irish want go the same way .

                        As for this green n supposed pleasant land in England .
                        I know I'm biased been a Yorkie
                        The Yorkshire post the other week raised a point that the the economy in Yorks , was in theory as big as Scotland
                        Could we breakaway I very much doubt it.
                        Therefore could Scotland survive .

                        I envy the Scots been able to send Westminster a message whatever the result .
                        From Lands End to John a Groats there is a general feeling of lack of understanding .
                        By the powers that be whatever party .

                        We need better no nonsense governance , not career minded politicians

                        Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum mobile app


                        • #27
                          I live in Scotland in a very small rural area which seems to be favoured by English people who felt it was a good place to retire to.

                          The resounding 'claim' is that if the Yes camp win, then they will immediately start the process to sell up and move back to England.

                          It's my own personal belief that there are pluses AND minuses for staying or going and I defend everyone's right to have their own opinion but it really saddens me that there are so many people who have absolutely no way of KNOWING how a Yes win would affect them in practical terms yet they are already on the doom bandwagon as if they have some sort of magical definitive insight.

                          They may be right in feeling things wouldn't be good, I really don't know, but surely there's something very wrong in kneejerking in such a quick and final way.

                          Mind you, if the Yes camp win and the English sell up, I might then be able to find a cheap house to buy at last.

                          And Kristen, I'm honestly not one to take offence easily but your comment about rioting seems a tad unfair given that most Scottish people are good and decent and are perfectly capable of accepting a majority vote.

                          Did you see this? - BBC News - Scottish independence: Vote disorder reports 'exaggerated'


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by skeggijon View Post
                            Seriously though, I have confidence in the common sense and intelligence of many Scots and am sure the result will be no.
                            And whilst I'm on a initial reaction to that comment was that it was a tad condescending. You infer that only those Scots with common sense and intelligence would vote no. I'm sure you didn't mean it like that but I can assure you there are many people in Scotland who fit your 'intelligent' criteria and are voting Yes.

                            I class myself as intelligent and have been educating myself politically as much as possible over the last few weeks especially. Some make it sound as if this is an easy choice and the choice should be 'no' but I'm STILL wavering. Yes I agree there would be difficult issues with independence, perhaps many of them. Would they be insurmountable though? I don't know. I'm not as concerned about the problems we'd face now, I'm looking longer term than that and what this would mean for my kids.

                            What I do know (beware rant approaching ) is that I get very very angry when I see all these celebs proclaiming how much they love us Scottish folks and they want us to stay. These people do not relate to my life in ANY way, they haven't got the first clue how Westminster rule affects me or people like me. And Bob Geldof should be slapped with a wet fish for his comments about how the women of Scotland should vote! I'd even volunteer to do it!

                            Now I've got all that off my chest, I wish you all a good day no matter what your stance is on Independence and I hope we as a nation can find a way to work together in a fair and balanced way, whether we're still joined or not.

                            I'm off to chuck a coin in the air now...heads = yes, tails = no. (I'm joking!)


                            • #29
                              Thank you MartinH, those intelligent people amongst us know that these cases are few and far between but even so my daughter has taken the decision to take Friday off and then a weeks holiday next week to avoid the abuse she is getting in work! Such a shame and I do understand that this does happen the other way about Thelma...doesn't make it right!


                              • #30
                                I'm sure that Scotland could actually make a good go of it alone in a kinder financial enviroment, but the facts are that these are uncertain times and the instability caused by breaking away at the moment would cause a market meltdown.

                                Billions would be wiped off the value of otherwise good businesses in no time, leaving both English and Scottish businesses in a matter of days.

                                I didn't mean to sound condescending, but the fact is that it would plunge both Scotland and England into a freefall rescession, which would make the last few years seem like a walk in the park.
                                What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
                                Pumpkin pi.


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