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  • #16
    My OH bought me a head torch for christmas, I wear it every day. Mainly for putting the chooks to bed without stepping in doings.

    I could use it over the plot, but that would be eerie.
    I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


    • #17
      I'm with Binley - shopping done online in lunch break at work. We also live in a tiny little house so we can have more outdoor space. I pay the kids to do the cleaning (they do a rubbish job but I don't really care - keeps them busy and means I don't have to do it!), banking etc all done online. Hardly watch any tele - no idea what is going on in any soaps etc - no big loss
      I work full-time in a really stressful job, but my veggie plot is my hobby, 'me-time', and exercise. It also means we get to eat lots of tasty fresh yummy veg that I feel really proud of (image of me dancing round the kitchen triumphantly flourishing perfect-ish cauli pops into my head - kids suitably unimpressed!). I just love it - it is one of the great pleasures of my life.
      Anyway - must get back to stressful job !!- sheepish grin!


      • #18
        Little and often - sneak it in when you can.

        Modules and mulching.


        • #19
          Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
          Modules and mulching.
          There is a book in you isn't there

          Housework - I have to do it, otherwise I don't feel relaxed when I come back in

          Shopping - Snowdrop is an ACE hunter-gatherer and being military wouldn't dearm of serving of the list/orders

          Admin - self-employed so it MUST be do as that is my trade

          I have seriously neglected my gardening 'jobs' for a few months (hangs head) but am feeling renewed and by ensuring I come in here and spent quality time with you lot helps me tons


          • #20
            Originally posted by VirginVegGrower View Post
            Mulching cuts weeding. I have raised beds and am trying to "no dig". I take a picnic on summer weekends and we are en famille down there. I tend to write lists a lot and structure my days/weekends.Washer on every night, ironed next day. I don't leave things - I tackle and get it gone...except my seville orange marmalade. Still looking at them, thinking come on!
            Thanks VVG. Your comment "get it done" reminds me of a book I looked at as a student (a while ago now...) called "Do It Now!" (by Wm Knaus) - you didn't really need to read the book just remember the title and I still often still say the title out loud "Do It Now!" and just do it, still works, good tip for all sorts of jobs, thanks.

            On the gardening side your "mulching" tip is an excellent one and I could usefully employ that technique more but I never quite know what to use with each crop... I'll start a new thread on the Veg forum and see what folk suggest.

            Meantime thanks to all who put forward suggestions.....


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