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How to stress out your weekend


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  • How to stress out your weekend

    Buy your firt laptop and upgrade your cranky old mobile to a new one on the same day!
    Have have got the laptop at last guess if you are able to read this then I (ok Mr HF mostly) have installed the 'bits' in the right places.
    Please how on earth do I STOP windows live messenger - its driving me nuts!
    ah the phone - worked out that I need to be 16 again.....crumbs they have changed soooo much since my lovely easy to use old phone that spoke the same language as me
    See Headfry reach for the vodka....again!
    This is the first post from my new 'friend' so would like to bid you all a good weekend

    ps 2nd atempt to write this - some how I managed to delete my text by pressing wrong bits at the wrong time

  • #2
    I know just how you feel, I got a new super duper mobile a week ago and I am still working out how to use it. Good luck.
    Have a good weekend
    Updated my blog on 13 January


    • #3
      Originally posted by Headfry View Post
      ah the phone - worked out that I need to be 16 again.....crumbs they have changed soooo much since my lovely easy to use old phone that spoke the same language as me
      I love my "brick". It's a Nokia, doesn't take photos or videos, just sends and receives phone calls and texts. I don't need a phone to do any more than that. Dreading the day it dies.


      • #4
        Hi rustylady....mine was 'dying' my hand was forced!
        Dont think I will leave it as long next time.....such big changes have been made to phones in such a short time....dont want to scare you but
        I just want to make a telephone!
        Last edited by Headfry; 27-03-2010, 08:30 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rustylady View Post
          I love my "brick". It's a Nokia, doesn't take photos or videos, just sends and receives phone calls and texts. I don't need a phone to do any more than that. Dreading the day it dies.


          mine has a battery life of less than a day now

          Can you actually buy a new basic one like that still I wonder???

          Headfry- new laptop eh?...brill!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            having just bought a new phone and looking into all the different sorts around. It seems that you can still buy a basic one (they are just not so heavy) but are quite cheap. I decided to go for something a bit different this time and I must admit having taken the plunge it is amazing
            Updated my blog on 13 January



            • #7
              New toys! Lucky you, sounds like Heaven
              There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.


              • #8
                If you stick to non "smart" (mini PC) and non touch screen Nokia's, you should be fine. The menus are the same as they've ever been and everything just works.

                I have to say though, having a okayish camera and mp3 can be very handy. The pics most camera phones takes are reasonable at least and they're great for those improvised photo opportunities. Even stuff like the wiring of a light switch before you change it, or the price and sizes of stuff when you're out and about. Or when you're on a night out and don't want to take a proper camera.


                • #9
                  Asda had some little nokia phones last week for about £3.50

                  All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
                  For a cleaner, greener future!


                  • #10
                    Until I got my Blackberry recently, my phone was a Nokia brick liberated from a job in Kabul. Open sim so all networks were fine.
                    I do lurrvvee my BB now its finally working but would switch back to the brick quite happily. Sends texts and makes calls. Brilliant.
                    Bob Leponge
                    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                    • #11
                      Ooh, I can't wait for my phone to be due an upgrade! I LOVE gadgets

                      Seems like you're getting on okay with them Headfry, you've posted twice on this thread now


                      • #12
                        My old phone didnt so much die as was murdered I forgot it was in my johds pocket when I shoved 'em in the wash.
                        The ins. offered me a Samsung tocco, touch screen. Took me a week to stop swearing at it and another to learn how to do all the things I did with the other. Now I love it
                        Headfry if I had new phone and lappy on the same day I'd have had a breakdown..of communications at least.
                        Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                          Please how on earth do I STOP windows live messenger - its driving me nuts!
                          in vista or xp

                          1. Log on as an administrator.
                          2. Click Start | Run.
                          3. In the Run box, type gpedit.msc to open the Group Policy editor. In Vista, you will be prompted to continue. Click the Continue button.
                          4. In the left pane, under Local Computer Policy | Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates and then Windows Components.
                          5. Double click Windows Messenger.
                          6. In the right pane, double click the policy "Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run."
                          7. Click the Enabled option.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nicos View Post

                            mine has a battery life of less than a day now

                            Can you actually buy a new basic one like that still I wonder???

                            Headfry- new laptop eh?...brill!
                            Battery life will always reduce over time as the battery degrades. That's true of the vast majority of rechargeable things these days.
                            Two options, neither of which involve a new phone.
                            1> Search for the following terms on Google:
                            <phone make and model> replacement battery
                            2> Take the battery out and find a part number or some such on it. Search for that in Google.
                            You could either get an official one branded with the company name (Nokia, Samsung etc) or a "generic" one that's compatible with your phone. I believe many are available on ebay. My dad is still using a Nokia 3310 which works for longer than my "new" (hand me down)... the only reason being mine needs a new battery (I get about 10 minutes talk time and like you, less than a day of standby) while his had a new one a couple of years ago.

                            Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                            Hi rustylady....mine was 'dying' my hand was forced!
                            Dont think I will leave it as long next time.....such big changes have been made to phones in such a short time....dont want to scare you but
                            I just want to make a telephone!
                            If you just want phone and text...
                            Ignore apps, GPS and WiFi altogether.
                            If at any point you might need to know where you're going, turn on the GPS bit, tell it where you want to go and it'll tell you how to get there. (Note: This is entirely different to GPRS which is something to do with the phone network, not navigation.)
                            WiFi. If you'll never need to do anything other than phone and text, you can ignore this (and increase your battery life by switching it off somewhere in the phone settings). However, you can use that to access the internet from your phone (most phones can access the internet anyway these days, but if it does so over WiFi then it should be free.
                            Apps can be handy but are certainly extra to the basic phone functions. Apps can be as simple as a notepad (but if you're like me, you'll save things like that as draft text messages) or as complex as an "augmented reality" thing that overlays information like pubs, restaurants, shops, petrol stations and the like over whatever you point the camera at. There could be something you'd use but equally you can pretty much ignore them and still have your phone do everything you need it to.

                            Originally posted by matthew2riches View Post
                            Asda had some little nokia phones last week for about £3.50

                            In short - the phone is sold at a loss or little to no profit. When you buy the phone you often have to get a £10 top up at the same time. Nokia make their money back in credit top-ups, Tesco make their profit through the high turnover - low price model.


                            • #15
                              taff- thank your for your help - it runs on Windows 7 sorry I should have said.

                              its hilly - lol that it so true!

                              How to stress out your weekend and some!!!

                              Try getting the laptop to 'talk' to the phone.........
                              Still the hours spent trying to install things is reducing now.....about 6 hours on Friday, but only about 5 hours and 58 seconds yesterday....
                              I am off to the plot today to do stuff that I understand.


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