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  • #16
    Remember you haven't failed, you have worked your whatsits off trying to succeed in a very difficult financial climate, as you say, you still have paid work to fall back on - it will be tight no doubt, but you have your family and they are more precious than anything money can buy.

    Best of luck for the future, Rat.

    Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


    • #17
      Your family must come first (along with the essential bills) and your family is young and need their daddy. So I wish you well in your reduced adventure. Think you've made a wise decision.
      Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 12-07-2009, 04:34 PM.


      • #18
        Shucks...not an easy decision....but you've clearly made the right decision if you feel relief now

        You've worked very hard over the past few months and we all admire you for the effort involved....such a pity it's not worked out the way you were least you've had a go and not left wondering what if ...what if...

        Understanding your attitude to life, whatever you do next will receive the same devotion. I wish you all the best in your next adventure....and less stress.

        More time with the family??...wonderful..enjoy xx
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #19
          I admire your honesty and your total efforts and committment to doing all this whilst having a young family and lovely wife.

          As they say "its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" and whilst this may mean "people" to some, it can mean anything you have enjoyed and loved doing to me! You gave it a go and you did it.

          I wish you all the best with your future plans, sometimes we need to stand up, dust ourselves down and get on with it all over again and I take my hat off to you.



          • #20
            You haven't given up Rat - you've downsized and opted for a mixture of paid and self employment. That sounds like a good decision in todays very tough market.

            Things will get better and there will be an opportunity to work up again - maybe with a slightly different emphasis. Maybe you could run some practical workshops for those who want to grow their own. There are still plenty of people out there with money to spend. Or a regular how to do it column for your local paper.

            Anyway Rat, sincere best wishes for whatever follows from here and do enjoy that little bit of extra time you have now with your family, to recharge your batteries and to think positively about the future. Alice X

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #21
              Hey Rat, I too know how hard that decision is. For lots of people they don't get the chance to make it on their own (redundancy) but as least it was totally your own decision and you still sound like you have a foot in both camps (so to speak). It will work out now that you've made the decision I'm sure. My mum always say "there's no such thing as a bad long as you make the best of the decision youmake!". for years I had no idea what she was talking aobut, but now finally, at age 46 I understand!!!

              Go enjoy your family time - like everyone else says, you'll never get that back again though you may of course get the Se bit back again at some future time (if you want it of course).

              Keep your chin up.



              • #22
                If you feel happy with the decision you've made, then it must be the right one for now, and if you get to spend extra time with your family that's great.

                Don't say goodbye to your dream, just think of it as a trial separation! You never know what the future will bring so keep smiling



                • #23
                  If you hadn't tried you'd of never known if it would have worked.Best of for your new job


                  • #24
                    Rat, you gave it your all and thats as much as you could do.
                    We all know nobody could have worked harder.
                    When you get sorted you will look back and wonder how you managed to work so hard ans such long hours.
                    Money is'nt everything and I am sure your girls will be delighted to have their daddy around more often.
                    Good luck in the coming months, and you will get through this rough time.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • #25
                      The end of one era can only spark another.

                      Well done on making the decision and not dragging yourself down.

                      Hopefully we will get a bit more of your fabulous advice on here now, and the family will enjoy the extra time with you.

                      Live long and prosper SR.



                      • #26
                        All the best to you, good luck with whatever path you take.
                        Blogging at.....


                        • #27
                          I can only echo the feelings above - I admire you for following your dream, but admire you just as much for putting your family first.
                          Good luck with the new and enjoy spending time with your family


                          • #28
                            You've got to make the decision that is right for you at this time and it really sounds like you've done that.

                            I haven't been on the vine for long at all but from what I've seen you've worked really hard at it and, whatever you do, don't think of that time and energy as waste or as a negative thing. It must have been an amazing journey and experience and you NEVER know what will happen in the future and what those experiences will bring to your life going forward.

                            Enjoy the feeling of relief and enjoy the new balance you've made in your life.


                            • #29
                              I'm sorry to hear this Sewer Rat but well done for making the decision, although it must have been really hard. It's a tough time to keep a business going even for the big boys and you gave it your all of which you have to be proud. Good luck with the future and enjoy being with your family more.
                              AKA Angie


                              • #30
                                I've read of various times when you were up and about starting your day at times when the rest of us were still asleep - I seem to remember 3.30 a.m. at one point - and ending it when (again) most of us were asleep.

                                Fair play to you, you not only worked very hard and put everything into your venture, you are flexible enough to make a change when that's what's needed.

                                And change may come again, possibly allowing you to take up the business full time again, possibly not, but you've proved you can roll with the punches and make decisions as they're called for.

                                I look forward to more of your very good advice here on the Vine.

                                Very best wishes in all you do.
                                My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




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