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advice on parenting.......


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  • #46
    ckfe...... an active imagination is a good thing!!! My son just says that his sister told me to do it ( which i do believe some of the time it is her pulling the strings!! )


    • #47
      Originally posted by tricky View Post
      There is an alternative to ritalin ,that is methylphenidate
      Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate
      It's the same thing
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #48
        My children have always been able to eat what they want when they want as long as they ask first so have never come across this at home. cos its always available they never ate more than they should. My daughter has always had a drawer for sweets etc which are hers and only hers which she does share with us and others sometimes, most of the things hardly get touched cos she can help herself. Now my grandson and great nieces also know about her drawer and ask if they can have something from it.
        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
        and ends with backache


        • #49
          like veggie lady we use sweets and chocolate as treats rather than as the norm so it would be taking the reward system away if i suddenly told my daughter that she could have what she wanted whenever she wanted (as far as sweets and chocolate are concerned anyway)

          my sister in law also uses the method that you do but in her case it backfired because her daughter has turned into a chocoholic and screams the place down on the rare occasion that she's told no she can't have any

          all kids are different so it's a tricky one


          • #50
            Isnt it just, with five of my own I certainaly know that one, by the time I had my fith I must have got it right cos she has been a dream I cant believe it, probably cos the other four were boys lol. There is no right and wrong about the way we bring kids up as long as they are loved and we teach them right from wrong, good from bad we must be doing something right. I have to say it doesnt get easier as they get older its just different. Wait tilll they have kids of their own lol I am such a laid back person myself it must wear off on them. My daughter likes chocolate but if there isnt any or I say its too near meal times thats ok with her she will wait. She comes home from school and raids the fridge, cupboards etc and will still eat a huge tea. She is not overweight and I wonder where she puts it all lol she will eat a huge roast dinner including loads of veg, not a fruit lover unless its strawberries lol. She rows twice a week and taps once a week ( more at the moment cos its exam time ) is sporty and suffers with asthma ( exercise related ) I wish I had her energy.

            However we bring our kids up I think its important for at least one parent to be there when they get home from school, I am lucky that I have always managed that even as a single parent, I worked when they were at school. I took them and fetched them every day whilst at primary school (now at senior school its not cool ) lol. My mum couldnt do this and I hated it and vowed never to do it myself, she had to work and I know for some parents its not an option.
            Last edited by jackie j; 06-06-2009, 04:06 PM.
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • #51
              [QUOTE she will eat a huge roast dinner including loads of veg, [/QUOTE]

              did you have to mention the words roast dinner??? i've got a mad craving for one now lol


              • #52
                Originally posted by ckfe View Post
                [QUOTE she will eat a huge roast dinner including loads of veg,
                did you have to mention the words roast dinner??? i've got a mad craving for one now lol [/QUOTE]

                lol sorry.........
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #53
                  Not had any real experience of coping with kids who have specific problems, but my guess would be that strictness of rules should be the same as for any other child, but how you deal with breaking of rules (and indeed the details of what the rules actually are) might need to be very different. The most vital part of discipline is consistency, and surely that applies to ANY child, perhaps more so if the child has a problem most children do not have.
                  If a child has taken up unauthorised self-service with treats, the first stage is to put the treats where they can't be taken (or at least are very hard to take). If they are using the 'x told me to....' when caught, one rule that has to be re-established is "you don't do what x tells you if it is something Mummy has told you not to do".
                  Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                  • #54
                    This thread is why I love this forum! No one is judged, and everyone is SO supportive of one another!
                    Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

                    I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


                    • #55
                      I never thought this thread would take of like this.......... as cupcake says above, its kinda become a support group.

                      Sometimes the kind words of strangers make things much easier to deal with.


                      • #56
                        The problem with my boy was that he didn't understand the rules. He was humgry and therefore it went and got food.

                        He would get up at 2am when he was 3/4 and watch open unervisty. We only worked it out when he would start asking questions about Fusion and Fission reactors. When we told him that he sould be in bed he asked grandma for Video tapes for birthday so he could record them.....

                        So we took the easy route....we locked the kitchen and let him get on with it.
                        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by NOG View Post

                          He would get up at 2am when he was 3/4 and watch open unervisty. We only worked it out when he would start asking questions about Fusion and Fission reactors. When we told him that he sould be in bed he asked grandma for Video tapes for birthday so he could record them.....
                          how old is he now NOG? and if he's old enough to work what job is he doing??


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