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CRAP! Spinal Malfunction.


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  • #16
    Thanks for the words of sympathy guys. Several hours and several doses of Ibuprofen later things are calming down a little. I know my spine, Iv'e had problems for years. It will settle down later but for weeks on end any little jolt will set it off again. Live with an almost permanent dull throb (not Mrs snuffer), its at the 'on fire' stage at the moment.

    Have tried loads of different pain killers in the past but most don't seem to suit me. Used to mix the Ibuprofen with Co-Proxymol but that is no longer available. Shame really, it worked for me.
    It is the doom of man, that they forget.


    • #17
      Have you tried a hot water bottle shoved down the back of yr trousers 24/7????
      Hope you sleep well tonight- and feel better in the morning!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nicos View Post
        Have you tried a hot water bottle shoved down the back of yr trousers 24/7????
        Hope you sleep well tonight- and feel better in the morning!
        A hot water-bottle does work wonders!


        • #19
          I have got my TENS machine strapped to my back but to help this time I think I could do with a mains powered one.
          It is the doom of man, that they forget.


          • #20
            Sounds horrid Snuffer, hope you feel better soon.
            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


            • #21
              My Chiro recommends Bio-Freeze or an Ice-pack to reduce inflamation. Hot water bottles and pads are fine if there's no inflammation but if there is it just aggravates it and prolongs the pain.

              Just a thought. Hope you feel better soon.
              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


              • #22
                Like you I have a weakness in my back - previous lumbar discectomy in 2000. Eventually I tried pilates and it helped enormously and I had very little pain for 2 years - until last Saturday when I injured my back lifting a bottle of ribena.

                You have my sympathy and I hope things improve quickly.


                • #23
                  Snuffer sorry to hear you've injuried yourself, HB obviously thought she's join you all and give me heart failure in the process tonight getting out the bath she slipped and smacked her head off the toilet now has a small cut and an egg sized lump on the back of her head!?! Kids who'd have them!


                  • #24
                    Backs - chit aren't they!?
                    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                    What would Vedder do?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                      Backs - chit aren't they!?
                      Yup, they surely are... I'm back in bed again this morning My back seems to be objecting to the 'walking boot' thing I've got on my ankle, because it's got this massive curved sole and it's making once side of me taller than the other... My back doesn't like wonky!! I was just brushing my teeth in the bathroom, and got this huge sciatic twinge... Thought "Oh no, here we go"... I'm just going to calm it down a bit, then Jez is finding my biggest boots to try and even out the wonkiness a bit.

                      It's gotta work, because I've just started putting a bit of weight 'through' my ankle, and I don't need no setbacks!!!

                      Snuffer, I hope you're feeling okay today? Gentle, no squeeze, (((hugs))) to you, HeyWayne, and anyone else who's suffering today.


                      • #26
                        Sarah I had one of those boots does make your lower back ache, defo find boots to even you up also I found that some of the pain was due to me tensing up as I was wary of putting weight through the ankle so hard as it is try and relax your body when upright, even when the boots off it will take a while for the back pain to go as I found that your back muscles are somehow working harder till you build some strength in your leg again, have you still got the crutches?


                        • #27
                          Thanks Sylvia Yes, you're right, I was a bit tense to begin with, but getting better now as I'm getting used to it. They only put the boot thing on last week, so still on crutches - Xray next Tuesday.
                          The back pain is mostly coming when I'm standing still, because most of the weight is going on the left leg then, and I'm properly lop-sided...
                          When did you start taking the boot off at night? The plaster room bloke who fitted mine said I'd be able to take it off at night, but I've been too scared to do it yet


                          • #28
                            The boot I had had a pump thing on it with fleece lining so you pumped it up to give support round the ankle I used to take it off at night but put my leg up on a pillow, also during the day when i was sitting as leg used to get hot in it, try and use your crutches to lean on when standing still rather than putting all your weight through your good leg, its hard though as you trust your leg more than the crutches, my injury was different as it was ligament rather than bones that were the problem hope that helps and it will get easier as time goes on, by the way watch out for the crutches on wet surfaces, I nearly fell after they slipped from under me going into a shop, scary moment!!


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