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  • #16
    Our previous neighbours on the left were very nice, they would always stop to say hello and had two lovely young kids and an excitable jack russell. Unfortunately they moved after a year back to their old town. House is now occupied by Pete, single male, he says hello but is a bit of an 'old woman', moans on a bit about life in general ("plumbers, doh! electritians doh! thames water doh!"). He told us that the neighbours where he lived before weren't very friendly - well we are, we've invited him to three parties now and he only came to the first one for an hour, I thought to myself, 'it takes two Pete'. Anyway we like him overall, even though he is very precious about his classic car (bought the house just for the integral garage he said). The neighbours on the other side keep themselves to themselves - except when the lady of the house screams, shouts and rants in the early hours every couple of weeks or so .... not her fault, I think she must be ill, she seems to go off in a taxi once a week - we're guessing to the Maudsley. You never see her outside the house and the blinds are always shut. Mr always says hello though when we see him. He's obviously not bearing a grude about us calling the police the first time she went off on one at 5.ooam - we had a vunerable toddler living with us at the time and it had to be stopped; and anyway, she might have been in trouble. Anyway, yes, our neighbours are fine, they're diverse, which is exactly what we want living in a city and the reason we live here.


    • #17
      Neighbours with barking dog's

      Oh Petal, I'm begining to feel like you that they are all a pain in the bum without the manners they were borne with; we were good friends with next door until she had a friend move in with 6 vicious dogs adding to her 16, subdivided house & built conservetry on land with covenant 'no building or structure permitted' next to me,and decidec to gravel a piece of my land as parking!!!! I pointed out the noise nicely 'oh its the horses, oh its the tractor oh its a leaf falling' I don't care, do not want to hear bloody dog's, pointed out it is my land, got a rant about bounderies. got a copy of her deed's & mine showing bounderies, her face dropped, I felt sorry [mistake] & gave permission to trespass on the condition that noise be kept down, which can be withdrawn at any time, this still has not worked. gave in & called the council this am, not confident with them; woman moved into a bungalow 500m accross farmers field from me, proceeded to gravel farmland and bring 60 dogs & set up a breeder without permission, I complained to planning. noise horrendoes as dogs in the open & left on own for days - complained to Environmental health, have all the data, recordings etc Planning gave them retrospective planning permission despite 50 letters of objection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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