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Doesn't take much to get me excited...


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  • Doesn't take much to get me excited...

    Got one of my plant deliveries today

    10 asparagus crowns
    2 Blueberry bushes
    2 Blackcurrant bushes

    Can't wait to plant out the blackcurrants tomorrow and the asparagus later in the week.....

    Mr OWG can't believe how excited I get about a box that says "Live Plants" on it! Well, simple things and all that

  • #2
    I came home from the school run this afternoon and found a "live plants" box with my Jostaberry bushes in and my husband raised his eyebrows when I was dancing round the hall, he just doesn't get it!!


    • #3
      Not quite experienced enough yet to grow same as you guys but first thing in the morning, and by first thing i mean 03:45am as im getting ready for work im checking for seeds geminating over night!!
      And yesterday morning......wayhey, my sweet peppers have sprouted and today they are proper plants!!
      Roll on the warmer weather so the next stage can begin!
      Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


      • #4
        Originally posted by piskieinboots
        Blimey, I can't imagine what would happen if Mr OWG came home with a .....
        Pack of strawberry plants?
        Rhubarb crowns?
        Sweet potato slips?
        Chilli plant?

        He knows the drill by now....
        Last edited by OverWyreGrower; 01-04-2008, 08:53 PM.


        • #5
          Planted my potatoes last night AFTER work, it was warm!!! I was so happy, even took pic on my phone so that I can look at it today when stuck here at work. ( I really like my job, but I do miss the plot when here)


          • #6
            Hi Shelley! Your new delivery sounds very exciting! How are things in your neck of the woods? Do drop me a PM! Who is the doggy with Max? Have you got another puppy? Love Bernie
            Bernie aka DDL

            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


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