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cucumber ice-pops


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  • cucumber ice-pops

    Have made these today - will let you know how they taste tomorrow!

    2 cucumbers
    juice of one lemon
    splash of water
    sugar to taste

    It's an exact recipe as you can see!
    Another happy Nutter...

  • #2
    How do you prepare the cucumbers?
    I've never made an ice-pop so you could be freezing them whole, for all I know


    • #3
      I just cut the stem off, chopped into chunks, & blended everything for quite a long time, then put in ice-pop moulds from the pound shop, although yoghurt pots & a stick would also work, with foil over the pot & the stick stuck through to keep upright.

      OH & I just tried one each partially frozen & it was delicious! Going to use the same recipe to make sorbet.
      Another happy Nutter...


      • #4
        Belvoir do a cucumber, mint and rose geranium spritzer which is amazing. One day I'm going to grow enough cucumbers to make it. I imagine that would be nice in a lolly too.
        Follow my grow and cook your own blog
        Wordpress Reader: Tabularassa99
        Instagram: Tabularasathrive


        • #5
          Now that's a blinking good idea, I have so many cucumbers coming at me that I've run out of people to give them to.
          . .......Man Vs Slug
          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
          Nutters Club Member


          • #6
            I'm making this soup, which can be served chilled. Late Summer Cucumber Soup | Recipes | Delia Online

            Am going to look for more recipes to use up my glut.
            Last edited by Bren In Pots; 26-08-2016, 07:38 AM. Reason: fixed link.
            Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


            • #7
              I think elderflower cordial mixed in would be good to with the cucumber in a sorbet. Just like the idea of preserving cucumbers not in a chutney or pickle as don't eat a lot of them.
              Another happy Nutter...


              • #8
                Well, we had the actual ice-pops. Children had one lick & hated them, although probably down to eldest child's penchant for disliking food of in the wrong mood (!) & youngest copying.

                Flavour delicious but a bit of a grainy texture. Not sure if it could be sieved through muslin to get rid of pulp?

                Half frozen it was great so will definitely do as a sorbet - think that will work better.

                Thinking of starting a thread about cucumber experiments
                Another happy Nutter...


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