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turkey steaks?


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  • turkey steaks?

    I have some thin turkey steaks for tomorrow's tea for OH and the children.

    What can I do with them that's not too complicated?


  • #2
    give them an extra hammer to make them really thin, coat with seasoned flour and quick fry in butter. Serve with steamed veg of your choice and new spuds - YUMMY

    Or casserole, or make a curry or, or, or...
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      OH has decided (although I have to cook them lol) that he fancies the bashed steaks) and then curry the next night as I won't need them all tomorrow. The toddlie's only got 6 teeth so can't chew meat very well yet.



      • #4
        I like to bash mine thin too !

        I fry in butter/marg with salt, garlic and tarragon, then add yogurt. Dash of chilli is yummy too! at the last minute.
        Very simple and quick!
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          Originally posted by janeyo View Post
          OH has decided (although I have to cook them lol) that he fancies the bashed steaks) and then curry the next night as I won't need them all tomorrow. The toddlie's only got 6 teeth so can't chew meat very well yet.

          If you bash it really thin for the wee one, it will fall apart in the mouth - no teeth required. Watch out as it cooks really fast on a hot pan. I usually put black pepper, garlic and a sprinkle of chilli into the flour to season it. Thai 7 spice is another fave flavour.
          Last edited by shirlthegirl43; 20-02-2009, 09:08 AM.
          Happy Gardening,


          • #6
            Another time, after bashing thin, wrap around a filling of some kind (apricot stuffing is good) and quick-roast. My apricot stuffing consists of a bit of rice cooked with onion, plenty of seasoning (more pepper than salt) and coarsely chopped dried apricots, mixed together. I haven't done turkey that way, but used a similar stuffing in a whole one, and I've done thin porksteaks roasted around a stuffing.
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


            • #7
              I sometimes bash them out, crumb and fry them and then place in a baking dish and cover with a spicy(ish) tomato sauce - pasta type. Grate cheese on top and bake in the oven. Yummy - I think its based on some fancy Italian dish.


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