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Hazel's Parsnip Wine


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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Originally posted by Flummery View Post
    I use a pectic (for pectin - I think peptic is for your ulcer!) enzyme because I use the minced vine fruits with mine - and fewer parsnips - and MUCH less sugar!
    HAHA! I was so concerned about how to spell 'amylase' that I glossed over the pectic/peptic bit!! (see Haze pour BiSoDol into parsnip wine...)

    I'll be happy to experiment in due course - the idea of using less sugar does appeal, but then again I don't go for bone-dry wine. Practise makes hopefully acceptable wine....!

    Right, I'd better get concentrating...
    Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 20-01-2008, 11:17 AM.

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  • Flummery
    I use a pectic (for pectin - I think peptic is for your ulcer!) enzyme because I use the minced vine fruits with mine - and fewer parsnips - and MUCH less sugar!

    I agree your pan is to die for (well, feel ill for a bit!). Mine is aluminium which I've had since I was poor but I always reckon it's not worth ditching it for a stainless steel because I don't use it that often. But now I DO use it that often! Might have a splurge!

    Wait till it starts to fizz - you'll be so excited you'll post every bubble with a picture!

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  • shirlthegirl43
    Looking forward to the next instalment Hazel. Got my tasting glass all polished up ready but not holding my breath as I know good wine takes time to make (unless it was from a kit)

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Well, I've let the parsnips drip though the sieve, and now I have a big bowl of parsnips to 'do something' with, and a bucket with 4.3 litres of parsnip juice.

    I now have to calculate how much sugar to put in ('3lb sugar to each gallon') then boil it up for 3/4 hour, which I will be doing tomorrow, wot with going to the Slug and Lettuce now.....

    Thank you for your help, peeps - next installment tomorrow...

    And Wellie, I didn't think that you would be anywhere else but looking over my shoulder, so you'll be ready with your tasting glass when the time comes...?

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  • wellie
    I'm guessing 'Not hurrying it in any way' is a bit like making a Jelly Preserve, and not 'squeezing'..... hence you end up with a clearer/cleaner-looking wine, like wot you do with a non-squeezed jellybag making a clear, rather than a cloudy jelly.

    Really enjoying this thread Hazel! and joining the queue with Shirl for the tasting!

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
    Can I bag a seat at the tasting please Hazel?
    'Course you can, hon!

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  • shirlthegirl43
    Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
    Ok, CJJ, if you've cooked the parsnip till-tender-but-not-mushy, why don't you just either (a) fish out the parsnip with a slotted spoon or (b) strain through a seive/colander??

    Parsnips are now duly draining (erm - sitting in the sieve )...
    Maybe his wife wouldn't let him borrow it? Can I bag a seat at the tasting please Hazel?

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Parsnips cooked as per, and the next instruction is to drain the parsnips. Well, here's another sticking point...

    CJJ Berry bangs on about cooking the parsnips until tender - but defo not letting the parsnip go mushy, or the wine may not clear. Then you strain the parsnips though a coarse cloth, left to drain on their own, 'not hurrying the process in any way'. He makes quite a big deal about this.

    Ok, CJJ, if you've cooked the parsnip till-tender-but-not-mushy, why don't you just either (a) fish out the parsnip with a slotted spoon or (b) strain through a seive/colander??

    Parsnips are now duly draining (erm - sitting in the sieve )...
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  • scarey55
    Roast them in butter and make roast parsnip soup - delish!

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  • scarey55
    Never mind the parsnips (which I may say look splendido) I am soooo coveting the maslin pan

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
    What are you planning to do with the parsnips afterwards?
    Well, I was thinking of either making soup, or just mashing and freezing them. Suspect they will be 'put on one side' until tomorrow - have seen enough of parsnips today...!

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Hmm - where's my second piccy...?
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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Ok - first take your parsnips....

    I'm doing half quantities (makes it all a bit more manageable!) so I need 3 1/2 lbs parsnips, which is 3 big beauties like the ones below.

    It says 'scrub then scrape the parsnips...' BOY! is that a tedius job!! So now some spark is going to tell me that I could have peeled them...?

    'Then slice and boil the parsnips in the water till tender...' Well, they're still in chunks, but I guess that's ok, and here they are in the maslin pan (only one I've got which is big enough!) and they're on the hob now.
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  • Seahorse
    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
    Seem to remember using ground up eggshells to clear mine! very organic!

    Just out of interest I harvested a parsnip today out of my 6" pipe experiment. Pipe was 4 foot long and the roots came out of the bottom and into the soil!

    After a struggle I managed to get the parsnip out and one of the allotment regulars spotted me carrying it home with some other veggies for the Sunday dinner. He told me it would have won most of the local shows and that my single parsnip should feed a family of five!
    Just curious Snadger, how much of the length was useable? I've seen several pics of 'prize winning' parsnips where all but the top bit looked like a long piece of string! Suspect you've done better than that if yours will feed five!!!

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  • seasprout
    Shall be watching this thread.. i too have parsnip heap.

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