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Hazel's Parsnip Wine


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  • shirlthegirl43
    Hmm, boil a few more parsnips? Not sure what to suggest on that as I have never made parsnip wine. Where's Bubblewrap when we need his advice?

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Originally posted by TPeers View Post
    I only got 'O' level Chemistry - where did you get the degree that would appear essential to wine making?

    Best of luck!
    Why, here, of course!

    I think it's one of those things that it's a bit boggling to the brain unless you actually DO it - and then it's STILL a bit boggling to the brain, but at least I can ask questions here!!

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  • TPeers
    I only got 'O' level Chemistry - where did you get the degree that would appear essential to wine making?

    Best of luck!

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    SG has now gone up!!!

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  • Flummery
    That horse shouldn't be working Hazel!

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  • shirlthegirl43
    LOL, it does rather!!

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    I've now simmered it for 3/4 hour, and turned it into a bucket. It's evaporated a bit in the simmering so have topped it back up to 4.5l with water.

    I know have to leave it to cool to 21degrees before putting the yeast, yeast nutrient and pectic enzyme (except I'm using amylase, if you try to keep up, I may be asking questions later...!)

    I'm going to test the SG again (have a sample in the fridge cooling)

    Actually, talking of samples - does this look like the biggest one ever to you...?
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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Originally posted by carlseawolf View Post
    hazel you will be pleased to know alot of german wines can be made with veg , especially hock types.
    if you can find this book ; make wines like you buy in the shops - it has lots of recipes for wine ,sherries and even champange
    Trying to find this on Amazon, Carl - do you know the author?

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  • shirlthegirl43
    I make a rhubarb wine with tinned rhubarb for Madmax and have to start that at about SG 1.11, it ferments out too sweet for me but he loves it. It looks just like water it is so clear and light coloured - however, it packs a fair punch!!

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Thanks, Shirl - a lesson duly learnt there!

    You can always add MORE sugar....

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  • shirlthegirl43
    Don't worry about it, it will ferment out a bit sweet maybe but you say you don't like it too dry anyway so it will be fine I am sure.

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Ah. Sugar is duly dissolved - and I've checked the SG.

    It's 1096 - is that a bit high, and if it is, should I stick a bit of water in the pan to dilute it??

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  • carlseawolf
    hazel you will be pleased to know alot of german wines can be made with veg , especially hock types.
    if you can find this book ; make wines like you buy in the shops - it has lots of recipes for wine ,sherries and even champange

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  • shirlthegirl43
    A useful thing to know is that a good indication of sugar quantity is a starting SG of around 1.08 more accurate than weighing the sugar

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  • Hazel at the Hill
    Parsnip wine for beginners - part 2

    Ok, so now comes a bit of maths.

    The next stage of my wine is to 'measure the liquor, add 3lb of sugar to a gallon and finally the citric acid bring to the boil and simmer for 3/4 hour'.

    The wine is in a fermenting bucket with litres marked on the side...

    3lb sugar to 1 gall is 1.36 kg to 4.546 litres.

    I have 4.25 litres, so a bit of dividing and multiplying and I think I need 1.275kg sugar.

    I have done that sum quite a few times, as this would be a baaaaaad place to cock up. (jus' thinking of the marmalade which called for 3lb sugar, and I bought 3 BAGS of sugar....)

    So, back to the maslin pan....useful, ain't it?

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