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Best and Worst Christmases Ever.


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  • Best and Worst Christmases Ever.

    What/when were your best and worst Christmases ever? Mine are:-

    Best..........1979. Number 1 daughter was born at 9.10pm on Christmas Eve.

    Worst........Umm...... also 1979. People tell you that hospital is a great place to spend Christmas......this is a LIE.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.

  • #2
    Worst: When girl child ran away from home to meet someone she met on the internet.
    I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


    • #3
      Best, probably around 1989 ish (memory is a nasty place) had my 2 eldest on my own with me for the full day and we just ate so much we were all sick, but nice chocolate sick.
      Worst, 2004. Got a call on 23rd December, get to Baghdad tomorrow on a flight. Sat around the dinner table on the 25th with 3 other blokes that I knew, not one of us could raise a smile. I swore then I would NEVER work christmas day away, and where I am I now?????
      Bob Leponge
      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


      • #4
        Bob - we'll be here for you on the 25th.



        • #5
          *bows head in humbled thanks*

          Awww shucks
          Bob Leponge
          Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


          • #6
            Every year is the best one. Guess I'm just lucky.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              My last 4 have been horrible - auntie died Christmas 2004, mum fighting cancer Xmas 2005, mum died Xmas 2006, dad fighting cancer Xmas 2007. Broken ankle this year!
              Kids have not known how badly I was feeling though, put a lot of effort into making it lovely for them.
              Best, erm, first year we lived in this house, 1998 I think it was.


              • #8
                Best Christmas 1992 - first Christmas with future hubby. Attended Church service in Luss, little boy (aged about 2) wanted to act out the Nativity - he wanted to be Mary, Jesus, the camels, the wisemen - had the congregation in tears with laughter. Got engaged Hogmanay. Had only know each other less than a fortnight

                Worst Christmas 2005 - hubby's VP Shunt had "blown" on the 21st. Shunts are not meant to blow

                All in all I've usually enjoyed Christmas, as long as it's quiet (and Dr Who is on TV)


                • #9
                  best was a few years back can't remember exactly, but the first time the boys were old enough to manage a proper spread rather than wanting fish fingers and chips, all been pretty good since

                  worst..........ask me on boxing day
                  Vive Le Revolution!!!
                  'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                  Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                  • #10
                    Worst, the one when my husband left me.

                    Best, same day
                    I was feeling part of the scenery
                    I walked right out of the machinery
                    My heart going boom boom boom
                    "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                    I've come to take you home."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                      Worst, the one when my husband left me.

                      Best, same day
                      I saved that one for new years eve
                      Vive Le Revolution!!!
                      'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                      Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                      • #12
                        Just about to finish up today at 14:15 when we got a call saying our client had signed the contract till March 2012 with guarentee of $34m in 2009, so looks like I'm employed for the next 3 years.

                        This has been a worry since March this year where they just kept giving extentions to the contract on a monthly basis.

                        Went to a co-workers place on way home (she's been off sick for some months now), gave her the good news. Then straight in, opened bottle of wine, kissed OH and gave her the news.

                        Hopefully this will be a good Christmas.
                        I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                          Worst, the one when my husband left me.

                          Best, same day
                          That's the spirit kid!
                          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                 Updated March 9th - Spring


                          • #14
                            BEST Can't remember how old I was, but woke to 6" of snow and a doll with rooted hair!

                            WORST 1st after marriage, my MIL arrived on Xmas eve with the dog and stayed for Xmas dinner next day!!! The rest of the family reckoned they were working,,,,,yeh right!!!!!!!!
                            Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

                            I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


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