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Couple of days on



  • Steeli
    started a blog post Couple of days on

    Couple of days on

    Morning all.

    Busy morning, sown some carrots (32 now, and sets of 32 at and of the months to July, now I've looked at me seed packet), 40+ red onion sets, 60 ish onion sets, about 30 shallots, did a random square foot cast of white lisbon spring onions and a row of peas. On the north end (left) I've planted some quick salad leaves while I wait for my tomatoes and better weather. Oh, i've planted out some marigolds too and some flowers at back. I'm not getting hedges till later in the year.

    Most of the garden is a right tip. We moved in a year ago and the previous tenants had the garden strewn with bin liners full of waste. So I keep finding new old empty crisp and sweet packets nearly every time I dig!

    New pic!

    Bottom right are what's left of my daffodils and snowdrops. They suffered with the recent stormy weather. Forgot to add that from the top of the picture its only 600m to the coast! So when it hits, it hits bad as there's nothing in between (hence hedges)!
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