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Not enough rain !!



  • sewer rat
    started a blog post Not enough rain !!

    Not enough rain !!

    Another day, another headache !! Too much of Mr Morgans last night before bed !
    Anyway, Unpleasant Pheasant is no longer with us - he apparently attacked Finlay (the farmer I rent from) and his wife last night and as a result died from a serious overdose of lead.
    On a more sombre note, Barry, the stonemason who lives in one of the farm cottages and whose 40th birthday party we were at last week, had a stroke last night just before midnight. No further news at the mo but fingers and toes crossed for him.
    Also, my doctor committed suicide yesterday - took himself out in a boat, put a gun to his head and didn't miss....
    It did rain today but not much - just enough to make the day even greyer than it already was.
    Finally, a reply to Hazel who queried the growing of onions as they are a l"ow value" crop......... they sell for more per kg than spuds and the same cost per kg as carrots. They require little or no effort after planting and are easy to harvest. Not too much to worry about in the way of pests either.Most importantly, they are one of the three mainstays of a veg box scheme - tatties, carrots and onions make up the bulk, the remainder is seasonal. Finally, another reason for growing my own is that it is almost impossible to buy organically grown onions in bulk in the UK, most are imported from Holland. Ladeez and gennlemen of the jury, I rest my case.
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