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going to have a go at growing peas, need advice please


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  • going to have a go at growing peas, need advice please

    I have decided that i want to grow peas for the first time, and i want to sow them and grow them in an unheated greenhouse, now i would like to know what are the best seeds to buy and what compost is best to use, and when is the best time to sow them.
    Sorry for all the questions but i know you have all given me some great advice in the past
    I look forward to your replies x

  • #2
    I grew mangetout outdoors last year in MPC. The first sowing did zilcho - not a peep. Sowed again in the same spot a few weeks later, and had three decent plants which cropped well. They never made them into the kitchen though, I just kept grazing off them I also tried a few bush type peas which I put in a MPC that had peat in (miracle grow I think), and these were utterly pathetic despite being sited in a better place than the mangetout.

    If I was to repeat them, I'd personally be growing sugar snaps in MPC. I have very limited experience on the matter though, so I'd heed advice from others over mine


    • #3
      Hi Suzan - you won't need to grow your peas in a greenhouse, they are very hardy, and some types can be sown in autumn to overwinter.

      Peas needs some supports, so if you grow a variety like Kelvedon Wonder, you will need netting or twigs pushed into the ground to a height of about 4'. You can sow them direct into the soil outside in about march or April, or sow them in pots and plant them out.

      Outdoor sowing is less of a faff, but you might be troubled by mice who love to eat pea seeds. Planting in pots can be done in the next couple of weeks or so, in the greenhouse, then make sure you harden off the plants before you plant them out by taking them outside every day for a week or so before planting out.


      • #4
        Hi Hazel, thanks for the advice, so growing peas sounds like its how i grow beans and i have grown millions of those successfully the past 2 years.


        • #5
          I've got hungry mice too. I sow mine in lengths of guttering filled with MPC and slide the germinated peas into a trench.
 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


          • #6
            sorry but what is MPC?


            • #7
              Multi Purpose Compost, Suzan. Just the stuff you get in bags at the Garden Centre.


              • #8
                Thank you Hazel, i should have known that!


                • #9
                  I'm growing peas for the first time, we started them off in little seedling pots then once sprouted a fair size hardened them off for a week and there now planted in our garden doing really well they seem to be quite hardy managing the cold spells and rain the last weeks brought us x

                  Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                  • #10
                    Thats brilliant Shellyanne, i am off to the garden centre at the weekend so will buy some seeds and then start mine, hopefully they will do as well as yours are doing x


                    • #11
                      My favourite pea is Kelvedon Wonder, grows between 2 and 3 foot high, tastes sweet, can be cramped and in a good year you can get two crops.

                      The containers were originally filled with MPC but I wouldn't know what to call it now. Its been in the container some years and just gets revitalised with growmore and dried farm yard manure. The two containers hold about 90 plants between them. Following trouble with mice I took 2Sheds advice and now chit mine before sowing, not had any trouble since.

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                      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

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                      • #12
                        I have just ordered some Kelvedon Wonder and i am looking forward to growing them. Hope mine will look as healthy as yours do and thanks for the advise


                        • #13
                          I tried peas unsuccessfully for a couple of years, mice ate them I think. Last year tried Mange tout, and they were superb, had loads, so this year am going to do more. Straight outside on Plot, they do need netting for support. might start some off indoors in modules, to maybe get an earlier crop this year.


                          • #14
                            Peas are very much like beens when it comes to growing. You can either sow direct, probably a bit early for that, or you can start them off undercover. I use toilet roll tubes as it allows the roots to develop and you plant the whole lot in the ground.


                            • #15
                              will give the loo roll tubes a try, thanks


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