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can't wait to get planting.....



  • Herbgardener
    started a blog post can't wait to get planting.....

    can't wait to get planting.....

    Well it's week 2 of 2008 and what a wet week its been, brings back memories of last summer.

    The plots pretty empty right now, just a few sprouts and some purple sprouting left, on the plus side did manage to get a victoria plum planted and started work on another raised bed ready for spring.

    Can't wait to start planting properly, doubling the numbers of runners this year, galaxies and scarlet emporers on the plan at the moment, and of course some french cobras, tried a 6 of these in a growbag late last summer and was well impressed with the crop and the flavour. The sweetcorn last year whilst nice and very maintenance free did take up a lot of space for little return so can't see it making a return this year.

    The plan for this weekend is to finish off the new raised bed and start off the alpine strawbs, asked at work if anyone wanted any and looks like I'll be planting up 130 plants! Just hope that it doesn't impact the space for the rest of the seedlings when its time to get the toms etc in. Must repair the Greenhouse next weekend and get some more glass in there.

    The big challenge for this year will be basil, doesn't seem to matter what variety I try I can never get it to grow more than a few inches before dying off.
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