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Rain, Rain , go away



  • Finedon.Dandy
    started a blog post Rain, Rain , go away

    Rain, Rain , go away

    Welcome to my first blog post!

    Have just been "rained in" although Oliver is still outside planting out the last of the 1st batch of courgettes. In the hour I was out there we managed to:

    * sow the third batch of courgettes (just two plants this time, of the type "Cavilli" chosen as Cavill was my Mums maiden name) sown the Autumn carrots as well as some summer carrots, to be harvested young, with the salad onions sown in the same drill.

    * Potted on some cosmea (some of ours grew to over 5 foot hight last year!) and some polyanthus divisions which were too small to go directly into the bed.

    * Sown some chinese style raddish which apparently grow to the size of a tennis ball!

    * weeded around the cauliflowers, which need to hurry up and crop as when I am eventualy successful with getting the sweetcorn to germinate then grow as they will be taking their place!

    I did try and get Hannah (nearly 5) and Daniel 2 1/2 outside but they just didnt seem interested today - shame as I can always use some slave labour!

    Oliver has been busy moving water around; One of the four butts isnt "connected" so is filled by hand. We also have started to fill spare 4 pint milk cartons so he is busy storing those - only have 10 at mo but havent been able to drink the milk quick enough since we decided to do it! I wouldnt be surprised if in years to come (if there was some spare money) Oliver would dig up some of the garden and sink a huge underground tank in - I will dread the day in case I lose any of my precious plants - bound to be just when I get it just so!
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