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More veg



  • susiewoosie
    started a blog post More veg

    More veg

    Wow its been a long lime since I've written in my blog. I need to get some pictures as well. I think I will just take them on my phone then I can blutooth them to my computer.

    Its a lovely day today so I've painted some of the fence in the back garden. I thought I'd better do this before my greenhouse is built because I wont fit behind it.

    I can't wait for the greenhouse to be built and neither can my seedlings. They are on a windowsill at them moment and they are looking very leggy. According to my fellow grapes I can plant the lettuce and cabbage seedling up to their seed leaves. That should make them stronger.

    I'm still very excited. My broad beans have all sprouted and I have 4 sweetpea plants germinated as well. The strawberrys have some flowers just starting to bud.

    Some of my potatoes have been topped up with compost as well. The carrots are still very small but at least they germinated

    I've got some tomato plants coming from Ebay a lot of them I've never heard of.
    They are MONEY MAKER - RIO GRANDE - CERISE - BLACK CHERRY - BLACK KRIM - YELLOW GRAPE really excited to see what the tomatoes are like. 3 of my seeds have germinated also. They are Lucciola and they are small plums. Just as well I like tomatoes

    I thinned some of the raddish today. I sat in the sunshine and ate the thinnings. It was bliss.

    Meant to say when I was painting the fence Sascha my nosey dog got in the way so she had to have a shower. She's only just started talking to me again. I had to bribe her with treats

    I will try and take some pictures.
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