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Week 4 - A new plan



  • Herbgardener
    started a blog post Week 4 - A new plan

    Week 4 - A new plan

    Well I was reading through some of the articles on this very website yesterday and looked at what was recommended for January planting; the peppers I planted yesterday haven't started sprouting yet by the way.

    The strawbleberries are coming through thick and fast though, not quite up to the 130 or so that I need, but getting there all the same. Did I mention I liked strawbs???

    Anyway it seems that lettuce and spouts and radishes might be an option - if they can be grown under glass. Great thinks I, I've got a greenhouse, boo thinks I, it needs some glass replacing... then it struck me... I bought a cold frame last weekend!

    So the plan for this weekend is to go and put the coldframe to gether, stick it on the plot to start warming up the ground, and get some lisbons, sparkers and some sort of lettuce sown into trays in the house.. if things go to plan then transplant them out in about 4 weeks time.
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