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Week 4



  • Herbgardener
    started a blog post Week 4

    Week 4


    It's week 4 and managed to get a little bit more done in the garden.... the really good news is that the first of the strawbs have started sprouting today :-) they are so tiny though, pricking them out could be a little tricky.... having heard stories of 2-3 weeks germination and low germination rates I'm really encouraged by this positive start.

    Emptied out a third of the compost bin into the new bed at the weekend, quite impressed with the apparent quality of the compost coming out of it, I've read that too much onion skin etc isn't a good idea, but my worms seem to be thriving on it.. long may it continue. Added to this was the remains of a bag of compost from last year and an old bag of bark chippings that has been hanging around for a few years, will give it a few weeks to settle in then add a bit of bone meal... once the boring bits done can get around to the fun bit.. the planting and then the really fun bit, picking and eating!

    The master plan for this year is to tidy up the border and shift the greenhouse by a few feet, at the same time use some breeze blocks to raise it by a few inches or so... whether or not this will happen or not remains to be seen, I suspect that too many wet weekends and the rapid approach of planting and sowing will put the kybosh on it.

    Whilst out and about this weekend picked up some bug spray, last years jalapenos which are now living in the guest room have come down with an infestation of thrips and greeenfly, hopefully we can nip this in the bud so to speak. Also picked up some mini peppers from the local garden center, not what I went in to get, but apparently the growpots that I want for my tomatoes this year are only available mail order... as I had a credit note for 20 of the finest English pounds just burning a hole in my pocket I ended up buying a cold frame... I'm sure I'll find a use for it at some point this spring.

    B&Q are also offering the Halls plastic greenhouse things for half price, bought one of these last year and it was absolutely superb, got other cheaper ones but this one has lasted really well, tempted to get another for the strawberries... will just have to wait until my better half isn't looking.

    The garlic has been moved out of the greenhouse onto the terrace and doesn't seem to be suffering any ill effects, in fact its starting to grow quite strongly. Although there are the remains of the PSB and the sprouts in the number 1 bed, its really nice to see new growth coming through.. makes me think that hopefully spring isn't that far away.

    Until next week...

    The HerbGardener...
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