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The sun has got his hat on!



  • Finedon.Dandy
    started a blog post The sun has got his hat on!

    The sun has got his hat on!

    Been so busy the last couple of weeks that I cannot remember what we have done!

    The spuds have had their 2nd earthing up and are now 2ft tall but we dont have any more space to earth them up with. O liver has put manure in the trenches as he was worried the earthing up in our rather narrow rows would cause some spuds to get too much light and go green. They must be later than the previopus two years though as we have enjoyed them on my birthday the last couple of years and yet they havent shown any signs of flowers or wilting yet.

    The rotting off experinced with plug grown bizzie lizzies hasnt struck this year. Have planted the two half moon baskets out the front where they do so well as its partial shade out there all day but decided to go for orange, yellow and red (to tie in with the rose bushes) baskets by the front door and gone for a mix in each of the three. Planted three oriental poppies by the front door just worried it wont be sunny enough for them. Also planted three new lavenders in the front bed which has about 10 rose bushes and we have three lots of three different lavenders last year, one between each rose (one type of which died hence the replacements) Still got begonias and marigolds to go in front of these.

    As I had spare bizzie lizzies I planted some in the shadier borders out the back. My sweet peas have yet again forgotten to climb up rather than crawl along so I have to keep encouraging them in the right direction. Have planted some in the runner bean tub (against Dads advice in case there isnt enough water and nutrients for them) which is starting to fill out nicely now. We have been given a shrub which was destined for the dump. As the garden which it came from is quite shady I decided it would be perfect in the problem bed (shady, weedy and full of slugs and snails) and Oliver planted that for me last night. Still have some lilly bulbs and loads of bedding which has more than finished hardening off.

    Spinnach and rocket have both bolted - I am not successfull with these at all. The sweetcorn has finaly managed to germinate (3rd try lucky) in between sheets of kitchen roll on the kitchen window sill! Tomatos are starting to resemble a jungle now - hate it when they get like that as its so difficult to keep on top of pinching out the side shoots. We have two aubergine (1st year at growing these) flowers coming and the pepper are looking well. Cucumbers seem to have suffered in the two bouts of extreme heat - have lost two which I dont mind really as there is only space really on the greenhouse floor for 2 or 3 anyway. Oregano has been going mad again - used a load in a homemade (totaly made up receipe) stuffing on Sunday which was really tasty but still have loads to use so been giving bunches away left right and centre! The first of the strawberries have been enjoyed by the kids - am dying to get some but not enough for us all so am trying to be a kind considerate Mum!

    Mr and Mrs Blackbird have been busy - Mrs even managed to chase Lilly off the other day - I have never seen her move so fast! Havent seen the nest but I know they must have been successful as even I get a telling off for daring to go into the back garden! Ollie (our old, big and black cat) has shown his age this year as he hasnt been hunting at all. We have tried to prevent Lillys (middle aged slim tabby) success in hunting by fitting her with a collar which she has taken to surprisingly well.

    More soon - when time permits!

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