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How many plants?


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  • How many plants?

    Growing broad beans, peas and french beans bought at a garden centre two weeks ago. How many plants do people estimate I will need to feed a family of three? I hear of people planting vast numbers and my own feeble numbers seem inadequate somehow.

  • #2
    Depends how much you like them! There are three in my family and I usually plant six runners three to four peas and borlotti beans for fresh and drying for winter.


    • #3
      Oh and I grow a couple of French/dwarf beans


      • #4
        Thanks, I'm getting some more ready for successional sowing, but reading of people with 40 or 50 plants made me wonder. I have similar numbers to you Maximillian., you've put my mind at rest.


        • #5
          I think a lot depends on the space you have, I grow more than I need for myself and OH but give some to family and friends as well as put some in the freezer. Also if you have a real surplus you can sometimes find a local market where you can sell and defray some of you costs.


          • #6
            The trick is to keep picking and you'll get them all summer. My friend does ten and they are two and they get through them.


            • #7
              It's all down to how much you want of any one thing Compost Corner.
              There are only two of us and I prefer to grow small amounts of lots of things so that we have a good variety and something different every month.
              I don't like to grow huge quantities of anything to store in the freezer - I like it fresh.
              For broad beans I only plant 2 short rows - 4 feet long
              Peas - 4 short rows
              Climbing beans - about 10 plants.
              That gives me all the peas and beans I want to eat as I grow lots of other stuff as well.
              I would suggest you keep a note of how much you planted of things then write beside it whether you want more or less for next year.
              I know there are people who grow in huge quantities - but I don't know what they do with it. Part of the trick is to get the quantity you want. Good luck.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                excellent question CC as I have exactly the same one!

                I have some mange tout seedlings and have no idea how many I should put out

                there is only 2 of us, but I adore the things do I plant 4 plants? 8 plants?


                • #9
                  Depends on space for growing and hungry you are I suppose.
                  I don't think you need a vast amount to get a decent crop as I think peas and French beans continue cropping as you pick them.

                  I have probably overdone it, I have about 25 mangetout plants for 2 of us and am planting probably about 20 French beans. If they produce too much you can just leave them on the plant until they dry out them keep the dried beans/peas for using throughout the winter in soups, pasta, chillis etc
                  Or save the seed and use for next year when you will have a better idea of how many you need to grow to fulfil your needs!


                  • #10
                    I know I haven't got enough for the 5 of us, but I'm struggling with room! We have got lots of variety though Next year I may expand depending on how we get through stuff!

                    Trying to tame the mad thing called a garden and getting there I think!

                    My Garden Mayhem...inspirational blog for me I hope! - updated 16/04/09


                    • #11
                      Yikes - my beans and peas were a complete washout last year (I had 30 french beans and 60 peas) so I have gone overboard to compensate.................
                      mangetout 2 rows of 50
                      dwarf french beans 4 rows of 40
                      climbing french beans 1 row or 40
                      broad beans 1 row of 40
                      peas 4 rows of 50

                      hmmm perhaps I need a bigger freezer (there are 5 of us)


                      • #12
                        Climbing beans I will do six rows with ten plants per row. The reason for this is I want to grow 6 varieties and the rows are 10 plants long (6ft wide beds). Peas I have two rows at the moment, but will keep sowing them every 3 weeks. I always overload the peas and plant a double row with a pea every half inch. Broad beans I have about three dozen plants mainly because I wanted to grow three varieties. There are only two of us and I don't usually freeze any so there will be a lot given away.



                        • #13
                          sod it I'm going to grow 9 plants and see what happens

                          I'm going to put 3 plants in a 15/16" tub and make a cane wigwam

                          then if it doesn't work I'll know for next year and if it does work I can feel all pleased with myself

                          is there anything I can companion plant at the bottom of the tub for colour?


                          • #14
                            There's only two of us but I love peas so am growing 12 x 5metre rows, freezing what we don't eat on the day they're picked. Runner beans, about 100 plants, red, white and red-and-white flowered types. Dwarf French beans, about 50 plants sown successionally. My view is you can never have too many fresh beans and peas and I'd rather give the surplus away than not have enough. Mind you, you do get a bit sick of them but that's the beauty of seasonal growing and eating, there's always something different coming along! I have got three allotments, mind...


                            • #15
                              ah see, I have 1 3 x 3.5m bricked back yard I don't exactly have a lot of room


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