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Why You Should Consider A Compost Toilet For Your Allotment

09th September 2017

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A compost toilet is a dry or waterless toilet – one that doesn’t use water to take the waste somewhere else. It also allows natural processes to produce natural compost that can be used on your garden. It does not require any mains services so is ideal for allotments and community gardens. build compost toilets that are known as ‘urine separating composting toilets’. So everyone sits down to use them, boys and girls, (unless you opt for the separate mens urinal). This enables the separation of liquid waste from solid waste. This stops all the nasty smells associated with compost loos and they really do work. It’s a simple design and is easy to use, clean and maintain. The cubicles are completely self-contained, so no holes to dig, no large bins to handle. All you need is a good solid base for the unit to stand on.

The loos come in three sizes
, with the option of a mens urinal in the two larger sizes. It is really important today for allotment sites to be inclusive, and this compost toilet is suitable for disabled people who may or may not need wheelchair access, with no long ramps to climb, and an easy access doorway.

Each loo comes to you fully assembled, complete with extra solid waste storage bins, urine containers, sawdust bin and scoop, toilet roll holder and even a coat hook. The vinyl flooring makes it easy to keep clean. Most of the timber used is FSC certified and as much recycled material as possible is used for the rest of build. We are passionate about helping to save our planet.

Funding for composting toilets is available through local grant schemes, lottery funding and local councils. Eco-loos is a small rural family run business, employing local people, to find out more click here.

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