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First time Grower


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  • First time Grower

    Evening all,

    This is my first post and I have actually only been gardening for 7 days! I have bought one of those mini greenhouses to see how I get on. It’s in my garden and in a place that gets a good amount of sun. I have bought loads of chili & pepper seeds, which I have put in compost and placed in the greenhouse, there has been no change but it’s only been 7 days. My question is, what are the chances that the seeds will actually grow? I have read a lot of the posts on here and everyone seems to be growing them indoor etc… I am I wasting my time with the seeds?

    I have also bought some chili & pepper plants that have grown a few inch, I figured if the seeds don’t work then I will always have these.

    Any help given is much appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi Fraser, Welcome to the Vine ! your in the right place to be asking the pepper questions ! I have to say i am no expert on peppers but i started mine indoors on a warm window sill to get them going ! May be you could try some in and some out ? good luck !!


    • #3
      I did this with some seeds and, as they were outside, they took a little longer to germinate. I would keep them on a warm windowsill.

      Is it in a propagator with a lid on to keep the soil moist?


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies. I think that 6 of the pots will be moving in doors first thing in the morning and the other 6 can stay in the mini greenhouse.

        I don’t have a propagator, should I get one for indoors?


        • #5

          should be fine unless you got the seeds from supermarket veg. Many of these are sterile. If you bought a packet of seeds then keep them well watered and I am sure the will be OK.


          • #6
            Chillies and tomatoes need a constant temp of about 18-20C to germinate.
            You may well get that daytimes in a plastic greenhouse, but not at night. You should start them indoors, then move them out once they have sprouted.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              Thanks everyone for the help, as of 9:30 this morning they moved in doors. Girlfriend was not best pleased but she will have to live with it.

              Hope i have not left it too late.


              • #8

                Could you pop your location into your helps if people know where you are as the advice can differ enormously.

                And Welcome to the Vine.


                • #9
                  Hi Zazen, i have update my profile now. I live in Sheffield.


                  • #10
                    Lucky you.



                    • #11

                      Hello Fraser, Welcome to the Vine, as The lovley Two_Sheds has said Chili and pepper seeds need a 'constant' Temperature to germinate, they are a bit fussy, If your greenhouse is like mine then it gets quite hot in the day when the sun is out and a bit too cool at night.

                      I germinate mine on a windowsill in a propagator.

                      But also they are quite slow growing plants so it is always best to start them of really early, this is to give them time to fruit and ripen those fruit before the 1st frost unless your greenhouse is heated.

                      As your only 'up the road' to me you might be interested to know i start mine end of Jan into Feb.

                      Good luck with the plants you bought. Keep us updated we're terribly nosey on here.
                      Blogging at.....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fraser View Post
                        I don’t have a propagator, should I get one for indoors?
                        You could always try the freezer bag technique! I didn't have a propagator at first and someone suggested planting the seeds as normal and moistening the soil, popping the pot/tray in a plastic freezer bag and tying the handles/clipping the bag closed and then popping them on a bright windowsill.

                        The bag will increase the temperature a bit and keep the soil moist.

                        Just pop them out of the bag once germinated.

                        Good luck!


                        • #13
                          Hopefully this has worked, see the pictures. I have been out shopping and hopefully these will now have my chillis and peppers growing in no time.

                          Thanks to everyone for the help & advice
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            They look great, but... why haven't you got bits of soil scattered all over your windowsill, how come all your pots are the same size and fit neatly in the propagators, and whyohwhy haven't you got wads of kitchen towel everywhere mopping up the water you used on your pots and forgot to let drain away properly?

                            Come on, you're just not trying!!


                            • #15
                              ha ha ha, thats one picture of many that was taken. Trust me there was a lot of mess at first but after a quick tidy up they look ok. Not bad for a £10 from Homebase. I have even made a home made on from a coke bottle, it will be intresting to see how that one works out.


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