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Do plants requiring full sun or partial shade need it ALL year round?


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  • Do plants requiring full sun or partial shade need it ALL year round?

    Afternoon all,

    I have done more work on my pond and have surrounded it with a 30-40cm wide raised bed area (about 15 cm tall) where I plan to plant some bulbs soon and some wild flowers next year.

    The pond receives lots of sun light in the summer where as now, the sun only hits the pond for about an hour around noon ish and I am not sure if it hits it earlier in the day. This is due to the fact the pond is nearish to some trees so as the sun is lower more shade is caste over the pond area from these trees.

    So, I was wondering, is it OK to plant some bulbs (and plants next year) which require full sun or partial shade if the pond only receives this amount of light in late spring/up to the end of summer and not for the full year?

    Thank you for your help,


  • #2
    Don't forget that trees lose their leaves in autumn and allow more sunlight though.


    • #3
      A huge generalisation, but I've found that most plants that like "full sun" will cope if they don't get it all year. They might sulk a bit in early spring but then they'll pick up once they get the conditions they like.

      Bulbs, for example, might flower a bit later than they would in sunshine, but the bulbs will be able to ripen for next season. The thing to watch is where flowers won't open fully unless they are in the sun. Crocuses and waterlilly tulips are like this, they want good light before they show you their full glory.
      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


      • #4
        Ah thanks for that - I guess it will be all trial and error!


        • #5
          As is most gardening and pottering about project's

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