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Allium Leaf Miner


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  • Allium Leaf Miner

    The RHS site says that this is a risk in March & April. I've left the fleece on my onions and garlic as everything is so late this year.

    Anybody got any views on whether the danger is actually over yet this year?


  • #2
    If you have gone to the effort of netting them I wouldn't take it off. I've never had the problem with garlic but if you have had it last year I would weed and put it back.


    • #3
      I spotted a couple of onion set today that have been gotat sould I pull them out and keep a eye on the rest doing the same or just leave them to it ? thanks in advance for any replys , atb Dal


      • #4
        We kept covered up until mid May last year and still one or two onions were attacked. We're leaving the covers in place for a while yet.
        Location ... Nottingham


        • #5
          I have noticed one onion in a row that is all bent and twisted. Anyone have any ideas about what is wrong with it and is it best to remove it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Eric44 View Post
            I have noticed one onion in a row that is all bent and twisted. Anyone have any ideas about what is wrong with it and is it best to remove it.
            Sorry to say but it sounds like allium leaf miner. Strip down through the layers and you'll probably find tiny white maggots or brown pupae.
            Location ... Nottingham


            • #7
              Thanks for that Mr Bones, I'll check that out.


              • #8
                I'd dig them up and destroy them- either by burning or by putting them in your refuse.

                Check the RHS site for advice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by iwatkins View Post
                  I'd dig them up and destroy them- either by burning or by putting them in your refuse.

                  Check the RHS site for advice.
                  just the ones that are visibly afected or all the lot (250) ! atb Dal.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Derbydal View Post
                    just the ones that are visibly afected or all the lot (250) ! atb Dal.
                    Just the affected ones!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Suffered major damage on onions and leeks to leaf miner this year. Will net next year, do I need enviromesh style netting or will scaffold netting do the trick, what's you experience please?


                      • #12
                        I would say enviromesh. The fly is about 3mm long, so I think smaller than the debris netting holes?
                        April and mid October/November are the worst months...i have read that netting and then fleecing during peak times maybe worth a go. Though enviromesh lasts for years so is a good investment. Fleece rips and doesn't last.
                        It's heartbreaking to lose a crop so worth buying the right stuff to safe guard your hardwork
                        Last edited by Scarlet; 16-12-2018, 11:34 PM.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Scarlet, yeah tried some cheap fleece on my carrots and it quickly ripped and disintegrated so I'll go down the enviromesh type stuff.


                          • #14
                            Running from memory, allium miner can get through a 0.8mm mesh so you'll need ultrafine or similar (0.6mm).
                            Location ... Nottingham


                            • #15
                              back in May I was worrying about alium fly ,I realy needn't have worried, White rot got them all in the end!
                              atb Dal.


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