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2008 - Proud and Not So Proud...


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  • 2008 - Proud and Not So Proud...

    Well, it's nearly the end of another year, and it's had highs and lows I've just been laid here considering things, and thinking about what I've achieved and can be proud of, and the odd thing that should be swept under the carpet...

    Things I'm quite proud of;
    • Took on, cleared & planted an allotment which several people had turned down due to it being 'too wild', and kept going somebody else's plot too.
    • Managed to grow enough tomatoes to fill a cupboard with home-made sauces
    • Got through a hideous financial crisis without being bailed out by Pa...
    • AND saved up all year, so Christmas is being paid for with real money, not the plastic sort!
    • Still married, despite severe provocation!
    • Managed not to deck Pa's 'lady-friend', and even maintain a civil front, despite more severe provocation (there's history - don't ask!)
    • Won prizes in village show, although nerves were huge before-hand
    • Haven't murdered #2 son, although his teenage 'attitude' means that this will be a long-running achievement...!
    • Didn't run away, when I really felt like it, and said what needed to be said. Cryptic maybe, but if you know, you'll understand

    Things to sweep under the carpet (or do differently next year)
    • Screaming like a banshee in A&E a week or 2 ago
    • Swearing at the poor ambulance staff...
    • Not helping the kids enough with their homework
    • Still can't try food that don't like the smell of!
    • Neglecting Pa coz I don't like his lady-friend (see above!)
    • Not making enough effort to keep in touch with family
    • Being far too "Woe is me" at certain points of the year...

    How bout you? This year's highs and lows?
    (I bet it'll be added to after Christmas get-togethers, whether you held your tongue, or let rip at the in-laws...!!)

  • #2
    Proud of:
    Having fed us in home-grown spuds all year
    Maintained my studies and progressed through them
    Worked for a client who clearly thought I was worthy of £50 Garden vouchers for a Christmas present

    Losing my beloved Charlie in October, the pain is still acute
    Hearing that no more can be done to fix my FiL
    Hearing that SD will be sent away for 6 months next year, can't say where

    Nice though-provoking thread lovely Sarz, I will be back to add to it


    • #3
      Proud of:

      Giving birth to our first beautiful daughter in January - incredible start to the year!

      Loving being a stay-at-home mum instead of dashing back to work as I thought I might...

      Making my first homemade wine from the damsons in garden!

      The mantelpiece in my office being stacked from end to end with thank you cards from clients - makes a job really rewarding.

      Lows: (Not many, I'm very lucky)

      Worry and upset over baby girl needing harness for hip problem at 6 weeks old. Not properly out of the woods of this one, for a while yet. Hospital again in Jan for check up so fingers very firmly crossed!

      Still not passing my driving test (very embarrassing I know. I was 2 weeks away from taking it when had baby and never bothered picking it back up.)

      Making the garden the most beautiful and productive it's ever looked, with lots of lovely flowers etc., only to have such a dire summer and not really be able to enjoy it properly!

      * To be updated in around...2 weeks time... (just trying to be mysterious...)
      I don't roll on Shabbos


      • #4

        Rescuing lots of ex-battery chooks and being responsible for lots of other people copying me
        Taking over half an allotment plot and growing some delicious veggies for myself, family and friends
        Realising that I can still have a nice bit of garden for "me" whilst the chickens also have a nice bit of room to plod around in and explore
        Not having to buy eggs or "greens"
        Coming out of my shell and making lots of lovely new friends on here (yes, I really am quite shy and quiet "in real life")
        Meeting new people at the allotments and learning new growing techniques
        I met 3 Grapes in real life (Lovely people are Belle, Lynda and Sarah)
        Being auditioned for Golden Balls and being accepted as a probable contestant
        Number 1 daughter (number 2 child) passing her Fork-lift truck driving test
        Number 2 daughter (number 3 child) coming second in the Student Midwife of the Year (nationally, so I'm soooooooooooooo proud!)
        Didn't get any deeper into debt and managed to reduce my debts a little bit


        I lost my Mum. She was my best friend and I miss her so much it hurts
        Not being called by Golden Balls to go on telly!
        Suffering with depression (might be coming out of it now though thanks to you lot)
        Having to bury 3 of my lovely rescued girls (not all at the same time!)
        Being ignored by my neighbour who I thought was my friend. Don't know what I did to upset her

        Definitely more highs than lows, but my mum could be on both lists a million times
        My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


        • #5
          Bum about SD Piskie We'll be here for you, if needed. Nice Chrissy prezzie, I'm certain you deserved it

          Not to worry about the driving test Rhona - I started learning at 18, and due to various reasons (mostly financial!) didn't take my test til I was 30! Passed first time though

          Maureen, it was lovely meeting you too, I hope we'll manage to meet up again in 2009. And I'm determined to overcome my anxieties and meet more Grapes next year!
          Last edited by SarzWix; 22-12-2008, 01:50 PM.


          • #6

            Most days due to the drugs
            Germinating a real human Bean
            Growing a human Bean (although LadyWayne has done more than I have on that front)
            Getting the nursery sorted for Beans arrival
            Growing good decent sized parsnips


            My back going ping
            Feeling dizzy and a little light headed over the past few days (bit like I'm drunk - but without the drink)
            Finding out LW's grannie has Alzheimers
            Not doing as much on the plot as I'd of liked
            A simple dude trying to grow veg.

            BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

            Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

            What would Vedder do?


            • #7
              Seeing my son grow to be a man. (wont bore you but there were times when I wasnt sure he would get there.)
              Seeing my daughter being just the most wonderful mum in the world.
              Watching all my worldly goods disappearing out of my door, in my car, with my ex, and not saying a nasty word towards her.
              My first 'real" year growing for myself. Had so much that I even gave "her" some.
              Being the first foreigner invited to play for my local rugby club. And being made social secretary after the first post match celebrations. (painful)

              Bad Bad Bad:
              Losing 2 very close friends in Iraq and Afghanistan

              Thats about it really, quite lucky to have had a decent year even with the painful end of a 6 year relationship.
              Eat drink and be merry people, tis the season.
              Bob Leponge
              Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


              • #8
                Nothing really bad nothing really good apart from a good year on the lottie.
                So I can't complain.
                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                Brian Clough


                • #9
                  watching our beautiful daughter continue to grow and do very well at school
                  still together despite provocation at times!! (do love him to bits really)
                  having the plot and chooks to go to to help me relax in times of stress
                  finding out recently that my much loved nephew is doing very well so far with his cancer treatment, and things are pretty positive at the moment
                  life, generally has been mostly good to us this year
                  have finally decided to take the plunge and apply for nurse training ASAP - its now or never!
                  setting 'the date' to celebrate out 10th year together

                  losing OH's dad to a sudden, fatal heart attack in May, (which coincidentally was OH's youngest son's birthday)
                  finding out my 18 yr old nephew had bone cancer for the second time 2 days before my birthday, this time in his jaw. (The first diagnosis was the same time 2 yrs ago, in his tibia)

                  We have had bad things happen, and we have just put our heads down and got on with things, but the year, on balance, hasn't been that bad over all. 2009 to look forward to

                  HW - my Nan has Alzheimers too, if you ever need to get stuff off your chest, give a shout!!
                  Last edited by kirsty b; 23-12-2008, 12:27 AM.
                  Kirsty b xx


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