I've kept the topic title vague as I thought it might be nice to have a place where others can add other recommendations for varieties of different stuff. I'm sure I'm not the only one planning already for next year 
Having failed 2 years running to grow Cucumber 'Marketmore' with any success outdoors, I'm inclined to try a mini-cucumber next year (smaller fruit = quicker to harvest?). Can anyone recommend a prolific variety suited to outdoor growing?
A few recommendations from me:

Having failed 2 years running to grow Cucumber 'Marketmore' with any success outdoors, I'm inclined to try a mini-cucumber next year (smaller fruit = quicker to harvest?). Can anyone recommend a prolific variety suited to outdoor growing?
A few recommendations from me:
- Two well-known & widely grown varieties, for good reason:
- Broad Bean 'Aquadulce Claudia' were the best broadies we've ever managed to grow this year.
- 2nd early spud 'Charlotte' - I've yet to find a better alternative for yield, taste & keep-ability both in the ground & in the kitchen after lifting.
- Mangetout 'Carouby de Maussane' produced a great yield, sweet & not stringy even when starting to pod-up. They were pretty plants too, being tall growing with purple flowers, fellow plotters on the site assumed we were growing Sweetpeas.