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What I intend to do today or tomorrow number2


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  • Penellype
    Finally a decent day when I am at home...and the man is coming to paint the front fence.

    Tuesday jobs
    Remove plants from fence ready for painting
    Put plants back on fence after painting
    Tidy up fence plants before replacing
    Clear leaves
    Cut down dead cosmos and bean plants

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  • Penellype
    Nothing doing over the weekend as first everything was covered in snow, then it poured with rain and blew a gale, and now everywhere is flooded again. I did manage to prick out a few lettuce seedlings and pick up the remains of the carrot cage frame which blew down in the wind, but that was it.

    No gardening time tomorrow as I have meetings all day - typical when the weather might actually be tolerable!
    Last edited by Penellype; 24-11-2024, 08:14 PM.

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  • Mark Rand
    It is a bit bloomin' miserable...

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  • Snoop Puss
    The weather in the UK looks like it's going to be awful, Penellype. Even here they're warning of record 'explosive cyclogenesis' of Storm Bert, affecting Britain in particular but even north-west Spain.

    Looks like it's time to be battening down the hatches.

    Good luck.

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  • Penellype
    Unable to do anything except check all is ok at the moment as the ground is frozen. Even the garage was below freezing yesterday morning but I did manage to harvest carrots from one of the buckets I moved in there.

    No gardening time today and the forecast for the weekend looks diabolical.

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  • Penellype
    Took the net off the tunnel yesterday and did manage to harvest carrots plus the remainder of the summer leeks.
    Not too much snow this morning but far too cold to do anything except check for damage (none).

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  • Penellype
    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Continue clearing greenhouse - no
    Weeding - no

    At allotment
    Think of some way to protect PSB - done
    Take net off tunnel if it looks likely to snow - not yet
    Remove finished courgette - done
    Weeding - done some
    Harvest beetroot, romanesco, turnips, PSB - done

    Also planted one of the redcurrant bushes in the old raspberry bed.

    At home
    Check covers will cope with snow - done
    Remove carrot cage net - done
    Move some buckets of carrots to garage - done
    Bring begonias and fuchsias into garage - done
    Deadheading - no
    Harvest carrots - done

    Frozen solid this morning but snow still looks possible tonight (although not certain here) so I am going to have to remove the net from the tunnel. Otherwise this week I'm going to concentrate on planning for next year. If I am lucky things will defrost enough this afternoon to harvest romanesco and carrots, otherwise it will be time to start on the stocks in the freezer.

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  • Penellype
    Friday jobs
    Take net off raspberries - done
    Drop down net over romanesco - done
    Think of some way to protect PSB - no
    Harvest beetroot, lettuce, salad leaves, romanesco, carrots - done

    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Continue clearing greenhouse

    At allotment
    Think of some way to protect PSB
    Take net off tunnel if it looks likely to snow
    Remove finished courgette
    Harvest beetroot, romanesco, turnips, PSB

    At home
    Check covers will cope with snow
    Remove carrot cage net
    Move some buckets of carrots to garage
    Bring begonias and fuchsias into garage
    Harvest carrots

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  • Penellype
    Very little time again today but starting to prepare the allotment for the possibility of heavy snow early next week.

    Friday jobs
    Take net off raspberries
    Drop down net over romanesco
    Think of some way to protect PSB
    Harvest beetroot, lettuce, salad leaves, romanesco, carrots

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  • Penellype
    Wednesday jobs
    Weeding - done some
    Deadheading - done some
    Clear leaves - done some
    Harvest romanesco, carrots, chilean guava - done

    Also removed the last of the tomato plants and the cucumber at the allotment.

    No gardening time today.
    Last edited by Penellype; 14-11-2024, 10:54 AM.

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  • Penellype
    Tuesday jobs
    Weeding - no
    Deadheading - no
    Clear leaves - no
    General tidy up - done a little
    Harvest carrots, turnip - no

    Got distracted, first by trying (and failing) to remove some ivy that is trying to grow between the wall and flat roof over the bay window, and then by some computing stuff. Playing catch up with my usual jobs today as a result.

    Wednesday jobs
    Clear leaves
    Harvest romanesco, carrots, chilean guava

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  • Penellype
    Monday jobs
    Weeding - done some
    Deadheading - no
    Clear leaves - done some
    Trim long grass if dry enough - no, much too wet
    Remove finished peas - done
    Harvest greenhouse tomatoes, PSB and/or romanesco, carrots, check chilean guava - done

    Also cut down all the greenhouse tomato plants and removed the melon plant in the growhouse, which was clearly dead and harvested the 2 melons, which I hope will ripen indoors. Planted out some spring onion seedlings.

    Tuesday jobs
    Clear leaves
    General tidy up
    Harvest carrots, turnip

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  • Penellype
    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Weeding - no
    Continue tidying up in greenhouse - done some
    Harvest tomatoes, apples - done

    At allotment
    Cut grass if dry enough (highly unlikely) - no
    Weeding - done some
    Collect leaves - no
    Harvest romanesco, possibly PSB, check chilean guava - done romanesco

    At home
    Cut lawns if dry (unlikely) - no
    Weeding - no
    Deadheading - done some
    General tidy up - no
    Start planning for 2025 - no
    Check greenhouse plants and water if required - done
    Harvest carrots - done

    Very dull and drizzly most of the time at the weekend, with enthusiasm to match. Hopefully today will be brighter and I will feel more like doing something useful!

    Monday jobs
    Clear leaves
    Trim long grass if dry enough
    Remove finished peas
    Harvest greenhouse tomatoes, PSB and/or romanesco, carrots, check chilean guava

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  • Penellype
    Friday jobs
    Take bags of leaves to allotment - done
    Cut down tomato plants in tunnel (showing signs of blight) - done
    Harvest tomatoes, turnip, romanesco, leek and carrot - done

    Weekend jobs

    At my friend's
    Continue tidying up in greenhouse
    Harvest tomatoes, apples

    At allotment
    Cut grass if dry enough (highly unlikely)
    Collect leaves
    Harvest romanesco, possibly PSB, check chilean guava

    At home
    Cut lawns if dry (unlikely)
    General tidy up
    Start planning for 2025
    Check greenhouse plants and water if required
    Harvest carrots

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  • Penellype
    Managed to collect 6 bin bags of leaves yesterday.

    Friday jobs
    Take bags of leaves to allotment
    Cut down tomato plants in tunnel (showing signs of blight)
    Harvest tomatoes, turnip, romanesco, leek and carrot

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