Started as me trying help my grandchildren with their 'where's fruit & veg come from and how its good for you' school project in January, decided to have a go at growing my own veg. Bought 'Grow Your Own' magazine, watched Carol Kliene's program & bought the book and became hooked!
Already had some compost bins for the flower beds (wifes dept). As my soil is very heavy clay, built some raised beds, dug in some compost & got some top soil. Garden is south facing but neighbour has some high conifers on the west side which puts one side of the garden in shade from around mid day.
Due to poor weather early on in the year, didn't get an early start. Attempted to grow some salad items, carrots etc in trays on south facing window sill, they initially started to shoot up, watered them really well e.g. top of compost kept wet, but then they kind of drooped and died. Put out some seeds in the raised beds, salad leaves & raddishes doing well, but the spring onions planted at same time are hardly growing. Bought some cabbage, broccoli & onion plants which seem to be doing well. But am struggling to grow seeds in trays to get a better start.
Can you overwater seeds in trays?
How do you know when they need watering?
Would like try tomatoes & cucumbers in grow bags, but don't I need a greenhouse for this?
any advice welcome, thanks
Already had some compost bins for the flower beds (wifes dept). As my soil is very heavy clay, built some raised beds, dug in some compost & got some top soil. Garden is south facing but neighbour has some high conifers on the west side which puts one side of the garden in shade from around mid day.
Due to poor weather early on in the year, didn't get an early start. Attempted to grow some salad items, carrots etc in trays on south facing window sill, they initially started to shoot up, watered them really well e.g. top of compost kept wet, but then they kind of drooped and died. Put out some seeds in the raised beds, salad leaves & raddishes doing well, but the spring onions planted at same time are hardly growing. Bought some cabbage, broccoli & onion plants which seem to be doing well. But am struggling to grow seeds in trays to get a better start.

any advice welcome, thanks