Mornin n’alln’all
Already hot here- going to hit at least 33C today ( feels like 36C they forecast) but we tend to get a bit hotter in summer and colder in winter.
( Pah! chuckles Snoop
I’m fine with both systems gf for distance, weights and speed but somehow never got my head around temperatures.
We sat out with the firepit last night until gone midnight watching shooting stars ( three wishes!) planes and satellites. Barking deer, crickets, barn and tawny owls kept us company. As did Hibou . Bliss. That’s my ideal summer evening.
Our hob has literally just arrived!…finally
so it’s just a matter of fitting it now.
Also waiting to hear about the boiler pump replacement….
Right- I best get out and set to in the garden- should have started earlier but the late night threw me. I don’t blame you Snoop in planning an afternoon nap. I may well do the same ( only of course so I can sit out late again tonight
Enjoy your day peeps…I’m sure I saw those smiles earlier carrying beach towels….

Already hot here- going to hit at least 33C today ( feels like 36C they forecast) but we tend to get a bit hotter in summer and colder in winter.
( Pah! chuckles Snoop

I’m fine with both systems gf for distance, weights and speed but somehow never got my head around temperatures.
We sat out with the firepit last night until gone midnight watching shooting stars ( three wishes!) planes and satellites. Barking deer, crickets, barn and tawny owls kept us company. As did Hibou . Bliss. That’s my ideal summer evening.
Our hob has literally just arrived!…finally

Also waiting to hear about the boiler pump replacement….
Right- I best get out and set to in the garden- should have started earlier but the late night threw me. I don’t blame you Snoop in planning an afternoon nap. I may well do the same ( only of course so I can sit out late again tonight

Enjoy your day peeps…I’m sure I saw those smiles earlier carrying beach towels….