Mornin n’alln’all;D
-8C here ….brrrrr.
The chooks thoroughly enjoyed their warm mash this morning. Having said that, it felt quite ‘warm’ inside their coop, so they clearly weren’t actually cold inside. We’ve moved their water inside the coop for now too as it kept freezing.
Today will mostly be spent packing and preparing the camper for our trip to the uk. I also want to make lemon curd.
All five fruit cakes seem to have worked out ok yesterday so I’m very pleased with that
And incase any of you were getting worried about me, I’m very happy to say that my iron stayed very safely hidden away!
Best get a wiggle on as there’s lots to get on with…
Enjoy your day peeps- keep warm and safe, and remember to pass on a smile
Speaking of which…anyone know what they’re up to? Clearly been working their magic on Lord Ginger…
-8C here ….brrrrr.
The chooks thoroughly enjoyed their warm mash this morning. Having said that, it felt quite ‘warm’ inside their coop, so they clearly weren’t actually cold inside. We’ve moved their water inside the coop for now too as it kept freezing.
Today will mostly be spent packing and preparing the camper for our trip to the uk. I also want to make lemon curd.
All five fruit cakes seem to have worked out ok yesterday so I’m very pleased with that

And incase any of you were getting worried about me, I’m very happy to say that my iron stayed very safely hidden away!

Best get a wiggle on as there’s lots to get on with…
Enjoy your day peeps- keep warm and safe, and remember to pass on a smile

Speaking of which…anyone know what they’re up to? Clearly been working their magic on Lord Ginger…