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Cats in my carrots!


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  • Cats in my carrots!


    Wasn't sure if it was best to put this here or in the veg section. In my greenhouse I have veg planters I have sown carrot seeds in. I accidentally left the greenhouse door open overnight and went in today to find soil everywhere and the neighbours cat had used my carrot growing bags at a cat litter tray I know cat poo is not a good thing so I'm basically asking if I need to give up on the carrots in there or if they'll be ok?
    So so mad...

  • #2
    For the sake of a few quid, I would chuck it out and start again, I dont think cats are as bad as dogs for carrying parasites but for me it would always be about knowing what had happened


    • #3
      Thanks, reckon it's safe to grow anything else in it instead? i.e. something that isn't a root veg?


      • #4


        • #5
          Maybe, or I have some peas that could do with a home.


          • #6
            Hi Doovayduck,

            I grow in containers as have no garden, I had a neighbours cat last year using my patio, so I got a few scardy cat plants which in mid summer did deter the cat a bit, however, I now have a young cat of my own who loves my plant pots and containers I have l lost 2 pots of winter garlic, planter bag of onions and a strawberry planter full of young strawberry plants!

            I have carrots in containers but have fleece over them, any other plants I have If I can, I cut black plastic bags and lay the plastic on the soil around the plants then tuck in at the side of the pots, I make a few small holes for the rain to seep through, the bags help keep the soil moist too. After experimenting I have found the cats dont bother with the pots if I cover them in netting, I currently have things like spring onions with netting over when they grow and they big enough to cover the pot I will either take the netting off or let them grow though the netting, I also have potatoes, shallots and garlic with netting over them outside, they don't bother them now.

            I do have a litter tray outside with soil in for mine to use so he has a place, he uses it on occasion!

            Its a faff having to cover everything but at least I get to grow what I want and keep the cats off the pots M


            • #7
              Thanks Marie, I might try netting when I move things outside.
              In the meantime this will be a reminder for me to shut the greenhouse door I think. Annoyed as I had 2 types of carrot, some radishes and some chard in the planters.


              • #8
                I feel dreadfully sorry for the invasion you have suffered.

                Please do not let this distract you from your season. I had a similar event a few growing seasons ago and was so dismayed I did not bother the rest of the season. This year, my garden stinks of garlic, and I do not care what the neighbours think, it is their cats invading and they seem to have no care like their cats.

                good luck whatever you do

                Before you spray a single thing,
                sit down and read the silent spring.


                • #9
                  We have had a problem with neighbours cats using our garden as a litter tray this year.Really fed up to find them now in the veg beds too!one was about to wander into our greenhouse today so I will have to be more inventive with barricades at the door as thought it was just the rabbits I had to keep out
                  Gardening forever, housework whenever!


                  • #10
                    I've befriended my neighbours cats, at the same time as setting up a veg patch, they did poo once or twice in the herb bed, but not directly on anything. So I just cleaned up and will hope it's okay. If I catch them pooing now, I run at them screaming and sling any poo into their garden. It's happened twice, I think they get the message. They may just be well trained cats, or I could have been lucky so far, but it's not been a major problem.
           making a house a home and a garden home grown.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by The poly tunnel poet View Post
                      I feel dreadfully sorry for the invasion you have suffered.

                      This year, my garden stinks of garlic

                      please can you tell me what you do with the garlic and does it work?
                      Currently I run at the cats the absence of us having a dog, I'm quite sane really!
                      Gardening forever, housework whenever!


                      • #12
                        I bought the granules from Wilkinsons, it is organic and garlic scented, yes it worked, but, it has to be reapplied if it rains. Also if the garden is large and the cats change area you can spend a time of it, following them around, so I covered the garden and it was like living on a garlic bread for a while. The cats(maybe not the original cats) have since returned
                        Before you spray a single thing,
                        sit down and read the silent spring.


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