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Does anyone like fresh gojiberries?


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  • Does anyone like fresh gojiberries?

    Got quite a lot off the bush that we planted in the fruit cage at the lottie. I sampled them at varying stages of ripeness and found them quite astringent and a bit seedy. Always liked the dried ones but it tastes as though there is some sugar introduced somehow during the drying process, as the'yre much more palatable.

    I think it's going to be dug up and brought home to cover a bare fence in the back garden as it is rapidly taking over the fruit cage - it's grown like a mad thing this summer. It was about 2 feet tall when I planted it, and it's now out the roof, which measures 6'6" !!
    Are y'oroight booy?

  • #2
    Vince just a suggestion but maybe make so goji wine with them ?
    My Wifes Blog


    • #3
      Just thought i would put this in lol
      Known for centuries in Asia, goji berries are called “happy berries” in China, where there aphrodisiac powers are held in high regard. In Chinese medicine, goji berries are administered to strengthen the adrenal system, believed to be a center of sexual energy. The fruit’s aphrodisiac status even found its way into an ancient Chinese proverb warning men who travel away from their families: “He who travels one thousand kilometers from home should not eat goji”
      My Wifes Blog


      • #4
        I'll tell you when I've picked some. Planted one last year.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shroomy View Post
          Just thought i would put this in lol
          Known for centuries in Asia, goji berries are called “happy berries” in China, where there aphrodisiac powers are held in high regard. In Chinese medicine, goji berries are administered to strengthen the adrenal system, believed to be a center of sexual energy. The fruit’s aphrodisiac status even found its way into an ancient Chinese proverb warning men who travel away from their families: “He who travels one thousand kilometers from home should not eat goji”
          Well thats it then, out go the beans and spuds and in go the go go gogoji berries.
          photo album of my garden in my profile


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shroomy View Post
            Just thought i would put this in lol
            Known for centuries in Asia, goji berries are called “happy berries” in China, where there aphrodisiac powers are held in high regard. In Chinese medicine, goji berries are administered to strengthen the adrenal system, believed to be a center of sexual energy. The fruit’s aphrodisiac status even found its way into an ancient Chinese proverb warning men who travel away from their families: “He who travels one thousand kilometers from home should not eat goji”
            ....and there was me thinking my suit trousers had got a bit tight due to excessive food and drink consumption over Christmas!! So now I know !!
            Are y'oroight booy?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shroomy View Post
              Vince just a suggestion but maybe make so goji wine with them ?
              Nah, insufficient berries and not juicy enough. They may, however, be an interesting option to sloes for gin fortification.....
              Are y'oroight booy?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                Well thats it then, out go the beans and spuds and in go the go go gogoji berries.
                Wahay, steady on Billy boy.

                PS let me know if you want a cutting!
                Are y'oroight booy?


                • #9
                  I know this is an old thread but any ideas on what to do with the berries would be great - please?

                  Mine have finally fruited and I tried one, only to then get the after taste. Thinking these might get moved to the hedge for future mixed berry jam


                  • #10
                    I got my bush in 2011, it only just flowered this year with a few berries on it.. I tasted a few and I wasn't impressed at all..! They didn't set very well either. Lovely flowers but quite and ugly spindly thing.


                    • #11
                      Well I'll cross that one off my wish list then.

                      My blog:

                      Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                      One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                      Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                      • #12
                        not even fruited

                        I planted one 3 years ago and it has not even fruited yet, so I have warned it has one year left to impress or it is out. The plant is in the Tomato family and I read somewhere you should use it in savoury meals rather than as soft fruit.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Invicta View Post
                          I planted one 3 years ago and it has not even fruited yet, so I have warned it has one year left to impress or it is out. The plant is in the Tomato family and I read somewhere you should use it in savoury meals rather than as soft fruit.
                          I should imagine it will fruit next year. Mine are about 4 years and have moved house. Once you taste it let me know if you still want it in a savoury meal Least you will hopefully know


                          • #14
                            Goji berries

                            I am now on my second plant. The first was kept in a pot and had a nasty habit of waiting until the first mild spell in late winter/early spring, flowering, and then not fruiting since the flowers got wiped out a day later by a cold spell. I got fed up of it doing that so eventually I got rid of the plant.

                            I am now trying again with a plant in the ground, since I thought maybe being in a pot might have affected it. My new plant has adopted an extremely lop-sided growth habit and is trying its hardest to grow over a garden path, while ignoring all other possible directions. The other directions are open to sun so I don't know quite why it's so determined to only go in one direction.

                            If I don't manage to get some fruit in the next year or two I think I will just give up completely and get rid of the second plant as well.

                            Incidentally, the leaves and young shoots are also supposed to be edible, although I haven't tried them. Maybe I should, since I'm constantly cutting out branches from the blasted plant to try to make it slightly less lopsided.


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