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i'm a Celeb.....


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  • i'm a Celeb.....

    Any watchers of this cheesy but funny reality program, I confess I do like this and love shouting and moaning at the telly when anyone pee's me off. I call it stress relief he he he

    so who wants to bat Martina off!
    who wants to smack Timmy with his Mallet!!
    who wants to make sure David Van Day get whats coming to him!!!........

    'jumps into bush telegraph awaiting answers'

  • #2
    David van Day makes my blood boil male chavinist that he is. But he will be kept in because of the arguments, Timmy cant stand him but again he will stay cos he is so noisy, Nichola again cos she is argumentative and wants her own way. I love George and would like him to stay longer.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache


    • #3
      I love it. This year i am liking Brian, Joe and George, feel ambiguous about everyone else except David and Timmy who I want to see voted out because they are annoying and childish, think David has some real problems.


      • #4
        yes george is my fave and Joe but he's been a bit testy lately so he might get struck off my list other than that its not really been as good as previous ones. But i really agree with you about David Van Day he really winds me up with his plotting and scheming him and Timmy are like naughty kids trying to stir up a fight in the playground 'tut'


        • #5
          David is so up his own a** My sons girlfriend is 12 years older than my son and you should hear the two of them cos she remembers him and my son doesnt its so funny.
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #6
            This is the only programme on in our house!

            I like Martina and George

            No opinion on Brian Carly and Simon - prob too boring to be memorable

            Can't bear Timmy or David.

            Was sorry to see Silksie go - I voted!



            • #7
              yeah us too!

              I was shouting Carly ,Carly, Carly at the telly last night so she'd get voted off as I thought Dani was ok at least she didn't moan half the time


              • #8
                I voted last night too for Brian, not because I greatly want him to win, just didn't want to see him leave last night. yes, I don't really understand Carly, not sure why she is there and she looks really miserable and grumpy, or at least that is the way it has been edited.

                What about Esther?


                • #9
                  I quite like Esther apart from when she consoles David I think she might be a bit unaware of whats really going on. i was touched about her memories of her late husband


                  • #10
                    I want Esther to get it on with Joe. I'd also like George to turn to Brian and say, 'Yes, I know you're fekkin gay, but I still don't fancy you!' I'd like Nicola, Timmy and David to have a 3-way celebrity death match with the winner getting an extra warm beer in the evening.

                    Lastly, I think they should dope up Ant and Dec and dump them in the camp, make them do a bush tucker trial and force them to snog Brian. Because he's gay, you know.

                    p.s. Did you know that Brian was gay?


                    • #11
                      the worst thing is ...... when he was in dollar i used to fancy david ....... isn't it weird how if i'd ever ended up with him, he would definitely by now be under the patio ...... what an ass ........ timmy needs a slap ...... carly (who is she anyway) is annoying ...... i like esther and george ....... would have liked silksy to stay (think he only went cos he was so good at the trials ....... i just love watching the people that think they are better than everyone eat bugs


                      • #12
                        hehehehehehehe sluglobber

                        I have a feeling david van 'gay' is?! too, i almost typed it that way in previous posts by accident

                        Its definitely the 'camp-camp'

                        I had to re read the three way thing due to my polluted mind lol


                        • #13
                          Most of them are has beens anyway, they dont seem to show the bits where they have to fetch the wood like when whats his face dj was in it. ( another blank moment ) lol. The trials seem easier not that I would like to do any of them. I'M sure in the first series there was more, or is it that we have got used to it now and its becoming boring.
                          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                          and ends with backache


                          • #14
                            I always feel sorry for the critters, the only thing I wouldn't like is the green ants ( a personal phobia me thinks)

                            Who'd eat the wichety grub????????? Who's brave enough? I thought i could until i saw its innards courtesy of Joe eating them


                            • #15
                              i couldn't eat any of that stuff. i hate maggots of any type, couldn't kill them but just don't like them! don't watch it too much but that carly and the topless model get right on my bossoms! esther is a game old bird isn't she.


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