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Can only just bring myself to type this...


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  • Can only just bring myself to type this...

    I went to the hospital 2 weeks ago for a check on my ankle. They took my cast off and fitted a walking boot thingy with a curved sole, and told me to gradually put more weight 'through' the ankle and to take the boot off at night, and for going in the bath. I was scared to do a lot of this to begin with but I've gradually built up so that I was nearly walking on it. I was getting quite hopeful that it was on the mend...

    Well, I woke up this morning after sleeping bootless last night, and had some pain down the right of my foot. Hey ho, I thought, must just be because it's used to being held immobile all night. So I took some painkillers and got ready for my hospital appt., which was for Xrays, and hopefully to sort out physio etc...

    I didn't even get sent for Xray... The doc asked if I had any pain, so I explained that it was hurting a bit down the right-hand side, so he pushed it a bit, waggled it a bit, felt it a bit, and said "The bone is still shouldn't be putting any weight on it while the bone is still soft because it could dislodge the pin holding the joint together"
    WHAT???!! So why did they tell me I should be walking on it???!!! And what if I have dislodged it already?

    I've been told I have to have ANOTHER 3 WEEKS non-weight-bearing, sitting/lying down as much as possible with my foot elevated, THEN an Xray, then IF it is healing I have to have ANOTHER op to remove the pin, then MORE recovery time before I can even start physio....

    I am feeling properly sh*t right now. I really thought I was on the road to recovery, but this is back to square one, and with another couple of miles added on at the end Am sooo bored of sitting on the sofa, fed up with being stuck in the house, desperate to get on with my life...

    If anyone can put a positive spin on this; suggest what I can do with myself for another month or so; has any ideas of how to make bones heal faster or stop my muscles wasting away, feel free to jump right in...

  • #2
    take up knitting ??? ....... at least you could make loads of gloves and hats and scarves ....... so when you do actually get to the lottie you'll be nice and warm

    can't really suggest anything ....... extra calcium and vitamins to help the bones??

    but big hugsssssssssss in the mean time xxxxxxxx


    • #3
      oh no!
      p1sh up/brewery
      left hand/right hand

      ruddy doctors
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        That is shocking to hear. If it has gone wrong I think you should claim for damages.
        Potato videos here.


        • #5
          Oh no Sarah, how b****y annoying and frustrating for you.

          All I can do from here is offer big [[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]] honey.

          Positive spin?? Wellllll, it IS winter and nasty weather out there so at least you're not missing any sunshine. And one of your legs will be lovely and strong ready for all that digging you'll soon be doing since it's taking all the weight. Sorry, that doesnt really help does it
          Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


          • #6
            heck !!!
            Your going to be so bord hun but one good think its not spring yet
            Vit 'C' is needed for the body to use calcium.
            Get a brain trainer then you will be ale to join mensa soon
            A few more weeks i better than years so do as your told and take it easy (((hug)))


            • #7
              Bloomin left ankle was allegedlly 'sprained' June 2007, hmmm got told last week, my ligaments and tendons are (use ur imagination for an appropriate word). Now there is nothing they can do, cos too much time has elapsed. So I am left with an ankle that blows up like a golf ball at times, I cannot put weight on it and is painful.

              I do SYMPATHISE with you hunnyxxx

              As your stuck inside fancy a visitor in a couple of weeks, I am going to skipton market :-)

              ps are you taking glucosamine for your bones?
              Last edited by allotmentlady; 22-01-2009, 06:27 PM.
              Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


              • #8
                my mum had a spiral fracture in her ankle last year, and she went to see a physio who gave her some exercises to keep muscle tissue active in her broken one, she had a plaster up to her knee.

                That might me a good idea, you also need to eat a lot of calcium to aid bone healing. I'll ring her later to see if she has any other suggestions


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                  take up knitting ??? ....... at least you could make loads of gloves and hats and scarves ....... so when you do actually get to the lottie you'll be nice and warm...

                  can't really suggest anything ....... extra calcium and vitamins to help the bones??

                  but big hugsssssssssss in the mean time xxxxxxxx
                  Kntting... I'm considering it... I'd have to learn how to cast on first though
                  I've just looked up calcium rich foods - kale is one, got plenty of that!

                  Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                  oh no!
                  p1sh up/brewery
                  left hand/right hand

                  ruddy doctors
                  Mmmmm. And it was the top fella that told me to walk on it last time, and the underling who was horrified today!!

                  Originally posted by tattieman View Post
                  That is shocking to hear. If it has gone wrong I think you should claim for damages.
                  I am very tempted by chasing compensation for the original slip/fall/beak, if the councils had done a proper job of gritting, I wouldn't be here!
                  But.... I'm not a great believer in suing etc., the Americans have shown where that ends up, no-one dares to breathe in the wrong way for fear of being sued... So I probably won't bother!

                  Originally posted by moggssue View Post
                  Oh no Sarah, how b****y annoying and frustrating for you.

                  All I can do from here is offer big [[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]] honey.

                  Positive spin?? Wellllll, it IS winter and nasty weather out there so at least you're not missing any sunshine. And one of your legs will be lovely and strong ready for all that digging you'll soon be doing since it's taking all the weight. Sorry, that doesnt really help does it
                  Thanks for the hug Sue


                  • #10
                    Oh bu**er hardly know where to start. Not sure there IS a positive spin other than you aint dead, kids are ok, have a house etc. Which come to thinkof it isnt a bad start

                    Docs did the same thing to my sons friend, he was walking around on a broken ankle for a fortnight! He is well now and playing Rugby, trying to break the rest of him.

                    Huge hugs hon
                    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                      Kntting... I'm considering it... I'd have to learn how to cast on first though
                      I've just looked up calcium rich foods - kale is one, got plenty of that!

                      ooooooooo i can do that bit it's dead easy, i never worked out how my gran did it with needles though, i just make a loop and slip it on the needle .... i took up knitting when i was pregnant, cos i wasn't allowed off the sofa for 3 months, cos i got shouted at from the midwife twice a day, cos getting up raised my blood pressure ....... got it down to a fine art in a week, and managed to knit a baby jumper every day ...... i knitted loads, only stopped when i got to big sizes i couldn't manage in a day ..... 2 days of the same pattern i got bored lol.

                      and lots of milk and dairy stuff


                      • #12
                        Take up meditation Ommmm

                        Take nice relaxing breaths, focus in your mind's eye, visualise a lovely warm beach.

                        Now add a radiant blue sea (have you got it?), listen carefully the the lapping of the waves upon the shore, the gentle wafting of palm trees, the terrible moans of the hospital staff that told you to start walking, as the crabs strip the flesh off their bones.

                        Sip softly at the cool drink, as the person of your dreams gives you a comforting massage.

                        There you must feel better now.

                        Just repeat this using your mind's eye to add variation as you become more skilled. Ommm
                        I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


                        • #13
                          Knitting and casting on

                          I can still remember my mum teaching me how to knit, it was many many years ago

                          I'm sitting here miming it, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to describe it, without it sounding weird

                          I broke my elbow a few years ago, fell put my arm out and bam, the arm bent the wrong way and my ligaments and everything went ping and the bone broke. Luckily I also hit my head so the concussion dulled the pain from the arm

                          On a positive spin your not allergic to the cast, I was, had to cut off after the circulation to my hand was stopped because of the swelling

                          Casting on link ....
                 | Casting On Stitches


                          • #14
                            How To Cast On (Leisure & Hobbies: Knitting)

                            and some more casting on video here.
                            Vive Le Revolution!!!
                            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                            • #15
                              Oh dear Sarah, that's a real bugger!!!! don't know what else to say really except keep boosting the calcium intake {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{big cuddlehugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
                              My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


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