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  • Annoyed

    I had a busy weekend over the lottie, and dug up a lot of strawberry plants to transplant to a new bed. My DD's school sent a letter home to say they were going to be having an overground underground area within their classroom and would appreciate some plants, seeds, equipment etc.

    So over the weekend we made up 30 strawberry plants in trays for her which she took in today, one for each of the children in their class. I thought it would be nice if they got to grow something and eat it themselves. I find out this afternoon that they are in fact going to be selling them all off, and not learning from them at all.

    Now I'm really annoyed, I went to great length to ensure the plants were all strong specimens, so that no child would get a non-grower, and they aren't even going to see them fruit.

    Schools, what's going on in our education system. Why are parents this great big cash cow to be milked. I'm seething.
    I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.

  • #2
    Blimey, I would be danged cross too!

    Do you feel that the letter was misleading? Perhaps you should complain to the head teacher. I imagine your DD was pretty disappointed too?


    Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

    ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

    Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


    • #3
      It was misleading, the school does loads to raise funds, but you never get to here what the funds are actually being used for.

      The PTA is always upto something, then just give the money to the head. I wouldn't mind if they had a set of objective at the start of the year, but raising money just for the sake of it annoys me.
      I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


      • #4
        If that had happened to me I would explain to the school my intentions for the plants. If the children can't grow them at school, ask if they can be allowed to take them home.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          The only problem there is they are in trays of 6, and would need potting on to allow this to happen. I've thought about asking for them back, but that seems overly mean.

          Its strange I don't mind giving stuff away, I thought it would be good for the children that don't come from a home that grows their own to get the chance to try something out, and lets be honest on the whole kids love strawberries.

          However, when my generosity is abused like this I get cross.

          I wonder if it would be a breach of my allotment rules, I'm sure they say the land is not for profit.
          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


          • #6
            To be honest i think you just have to chalk this one up as one of those things that happen it's a shame and can see why your upset but it wont change

            All the best,Ian


            • #7
              The school should be more clear of their intentions, I would write to the head saying how dissapointed you are that the plants are going to be sold as you understood they were for growing at the school.
              Secondly the school should have targets set for what the money raised is to be spent on, and parents informed as to where the money has / is going.
              Are you able to join the PTA ? I used to be a member ( all parents are, is just most dont go to meetings etc ) and we would have on display what the money being raised was for, and what the target was and then when its reached celebrated that the money had bought xxx.
              Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
              and ends with backache


              • #8
                That's awful. What a waste of a lovely gesture, I would be fuming after all that effort!

                Like you say, it was a perfect opportunity for kids to learn about growing and to eat some nice fruit...but with a different agenda behind it.


                • #9
                  I'd ask for them back, and explain why. Maybe they'll think next time, and be clearer about their intentions.
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • #10
                    I would be upset too!

                    I imagine it's too late to fix it now but as suggested above, I would write to the Head and also copy in the Chair of Governers and the specific class teacher. A polite but pointed missive from you might at least mean this sort of thing won't happen again.

                    And if they're selling them off, how much do they think they'll get for them? We often have plants at our school fairs and tbh they go for a pittance...
                    I was feeling part of the scenery
                    I walked right out of the machinery
                    My heart going boom boom boom
                    "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                    I've come to take you home."


                    • #11
                      I'd write and say 'I'm sorry - Either I misunderstood your letter when you asked for things for the garden, or you misunderstood my donation as these are for the pupils, not the PTA'.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                        I'd write and say 'I'm sorry - Either I misunderstood your letter when you asked for things for the garden, or you misunderstood my donation as these are for the pupils, not the PTA'.
                        Yeah. That's what I meant!
                        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                        • #13
                          What Zaz said. Too many teachers and schools get away with this kind of thing these days.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • #14
                            Although I can understand you're would I be,before getting so angry have you actually spoken to anyone at the school about the misunderstanding?
                            Maybe if you explain what your intentions were for the plants(and what you thought theirs were)they will be happy to keep those plants in the school for the kiddies to nurture and then harvest...would you be able to get into the school at anytime to help plant them?(government cuts and extra pressure on schools to meet government set targets has sadly meant that some subjects and activities have to take slightly more of a backseat...unless they can find volunteers to assist...and yes I know a lot of parents can't but before you knock the school,staff and parents that can find the time it might be an idea to look more toward the government that are putting higher expectations on schools without giving them the money to do so.
                            Sorry for the rant,maybe I'm just feeling extra tender as it's the week leading up to our Spring Fair....and as,out of a school with approx 350 children there's only between 10 and 15 parents active on the PTA it's been a bit hectic...but it really does get to me when parents who either can't find the time because of work or others that just can't be a***d happily find the time to moan about the efforts put in by those that do.

                            I can only speak for our school,(perhaps yours are different?)but as Jackie said,ALL parents are actually members of the PTA,meaning that at any time you can ask for information about what money has been raised and how it's been's certainly not a case of raising money and then handing it over to the Head to do as they will with(or at least not at ours).The PTA money is just that...when there's something the school wish to purchase from the funds they ask us for the money and tell us what it's for and a signatory will write a cheque when the committee have agreed to the purchase.
                            A few examples from our school are a bird box and table with web cam(one for each school),a proffessional microphone for when the children have their talent contests,Zed Bugs...mad little go cart type things and then contributing towards costs of school trips.These are all mentioned in the schools newsletters as and when purchased...if yours don't do this then maybe you could suggest they start.

                            Sorry again for the rant,it's not necessarily aimed at you,just thought the thread could do with hearing from the 'other side'...if you get a chance why not pop along to a PTA meeting,could be they need a bit of fresh blood and a few new ideas.
                            Last edited by di; 15-03-2011, 02:39 PM.
                            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                            • #15
                              My annoyance has passed Di, I appreciate your different point of view, and have chalked this one up as a poorly written letter home.

                              I'm still not sure whether it is a school initiative or a PTA one, but either way had I known I would have still given but maybe not quite so many of such high quality.

                              I'm all for enriching the education of our children in whatever way possible, but that need not always be through raising money. I wish I had time to help create something for the school. A few years ago I took a week off work to help my OH build a memorial garden in her secondary school.

                              Unfortunately, these days I'm self employed and work an erratic 14 hour day, but you are absolutely right I should not knock the efforts of the PTA.
                              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


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