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Soft Fruit Circle 2017


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  • Soft Fruit Circle 2017

    Following on from the successful soft fruit circle ran by Norfolkgrey I thought it might be good to try one again this year.

    At this point I'm just seeing if enough people would be interested for it to be viable but if you have an idea of what you may want to submit that's great.

    Obviously a lot can change between now and next March so if you find you wont be participating or find you would like to join at the last minute that's fine.

    Anyone is welcome to join, as long as you meet the vine rules by March time.

    As with last year ideally two varieties of fruit would be good but one is fine as long as there is enough for everyone in the circle (based on this years probably 4-10) The aim is to swap everything by March 2018.

    As Norfolkgrey said last year I haven't ran anything like this before so please feel free to make suggestions.

    There seems to be some interest in this. Ive combined the replies from the now closed Soft Fruit Circle 2016 comments and the ones on this thread:

    GardenGayle - Whitecurrants, Loganberries, Japanese Wineberries (possibly)
    Elfeda - All Gold Raspberries
    Vixylix - Depends how the season goes
    NickG - Raspberries (Joan J, Ruby, Buckingham) blackberry Reuben
    Flynch - Raspberries, Tayberries, Blackberry, blackcurran and gooseberries
    Maverick451 - Dwarf Rasperries, Snow White Strawberries
    Veggiechicken - Jostaberries (possibly)

    Obviously this all depends on how life and gardening goes over the next year. Anyone else who would like to join is welcome
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 22-03-2017, 07:09 PM. Reason: Adding link

  • #2
    I'd love to join, I have raspberries, Tayberry, blackberry, black current, gooseberry and lots of varieties of Apple some pears and plums. I can make a list of varieties if anyone is interested


    • #3
      Sounds great Flynch


      • #4
        I cant promise but Ill hopefully have some dwarf raspberry plants and snow white strawberry strawberry plants


        • #5
          Well done, GG, for volunteering to run this next year.
          I may join in with some more jostaberries.

          I "donated" my cuttings this year, as I didn't need anything in return. Hope the worcesterberries weren't too aggressive when you unpacked them!


          • #6
            I've managed not to injure myself on them yet


            • #7
              They're good for keeping intruders out of the garden


              • #8
                There seems to be some interest in running the circle again so assuming theres still a few interested coming up March 2018 there should be some nice packages again


                • #9
                  That,s very nice


                  • #10
                    I've not being paying attention to this, what's the score?


                    • #11
                      If you look at the very first message it will tell you the basics x


                      • #12
                        Ok, I think it'll be next year when I might have alpine strawberries to swap, seedlings are very small just now, I will follow this with some interest.


                        • #13
                          The swap itself wont take place until March, just giving people time to prepare


                          • #14
                            I'm confused

                            What exactly are you swapping, cuttings or rooted cutting ie plants.


                            • #15
                              I may be interested assuming that I understand the rules and don't get banned, LOL.

                              I can offer strawberry runners - well, small to medium plants - of

                              1 Symphony
                              2 a mystery variety.

                              2 could be an old variety, Talisman. Then again, it may be something else. My plants came 3-4 years ago from a gardener in Knighton who'd grown it 25 years and grew new generations as needed from runners. But it was outgrowing her garden apparently.

                              Flavour at its best = better than Symphony at its best, i.e. a high rating. Softer than Symphony.

                              Also a mystery raspberry but I want the raspberry patch to grow a bit larger before I start propagating from it. It crops early summer and then starts again from late August until frost.

                              It's probably a 1960s or 1970s commercial variety and may have come from Ken Muir but so far I can't identify it. It was originally grown in N E London and came to me via a garden in Yorkshire.


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